Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 twtw

2 hours Harry has been here and we've only had one argument and that was only over a photo he was editing. So to me that is a success. Me and Harry had done a photoshoot and now we are editing them. The pictures are great, Harry has such a good eye when it comes to taking photos.

There's equipment everywhere and Harry's lap top is plugged into an extension cord so we are sat on my bedroom floor. We've got our backs on the side of my bed. Harrys legs are crossed and his laptop is on his lap. He's got his hair tied up in a bun at the back of his head, he is wearing a black T-shirt with his statement black jeans. He kicked his shoes off before we even started so he's just in his black socks.

We had been working for a while and I noticed that both of our glasses we had water in were empty. Harry seemed to be in a trance working on the photos so I decided to get up and re fill our glasses. I never really help with the editing, I sometimes just point to stuff and request things. Landscapes don't take much editing.

I picked up our glasses and walked to the kitchen, I washed out the glasses before I refilled them with some water. I went to my fridge and got out some cut up lemon pieces I had in there. Water always tastes better with a slice or two of lemon in there, if you disagree argue with a wall. Once I had finished making our drinks I walked back into my bedroom.

Harry had moved from the floor and sat up on my bed. His back was leaning on my head bored and his legs were out in front of him. "Sorry my side is aching, do you mind if we sit up here?"

I placed the glasses on my bedside table and joined Harry on the bed. "I don't mind at all." I smiled at him and had a look at what he was doing. There was a photo of me that he had moved to photoshop, I actually looked great. I had never seen myself look so good. "Whoah I don't think I've ever looked that good."

"Oh shut up, of course you have." Harry rolled his eyes and turned to look at me. Throughout the time he's been here, there has been a lot of flirty banter. I'm not really sure what's been going on between us these past couple of hours but we've both been complimenting each other the entire time.

I blushed and turned away, to distract myself I picked up my glass of water and took a sip of it. The cold water sent a shiver down my spine that was made obvious because Harry continued to stare at me and laughed when my body full on shivered. I put the glass back down and turned back to Harry.

I noticed that there was a picture frame in the back of the photo as we only used my wall as a backdrop. I had to lean over Harry to point it out. "Wait Harry there's-" my words were interrupted with Harry using his hand to turn my head to look at him and he pressed his lips into mine.

I shut my eyes and allowed the kiss to happen, our lips were moving slowly with each other. Harrys hand was holding my chin, he leaned it to the side so he had more access to my lips. He kissed my top lip, them bottom, then both together. He slowly pulled away and I opened my eyes to see Harry already looking at me. My head was spinning, I had no idea what the hell just happened.

Me and Harry were just looking at each other, he kept glancing at my lips as I did the same to him. I don't know what came over me put I moved the laptop from off of his lap and straddled him instead. His hands instantly grab my hips. I lean forward and kiss him again.

This time the kiss is more passionate, Harry teases his tongue in between my lips and I part them to invite it in. He hooks his hands at the bottom of the baggy T-shirt I had on. Harry quickly pulls away again. His lips are slightly swollen from kissing and his cheeks are a little flustered. "Can I take off your top?" He whispers into my lips.

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