Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

This morning I woke up tangled up in Harry's arms, he was still in a deep sleep. After last night we both fell straight to sleep after the fire alarm went off. The kitchen is still a state. I couldn't help but watch Harry sleep for a while, he just looks so peaceful. There is no crease between his brow, which I've notice forms every time he's stressed or angry. I wanted him to sleep for as long as he could because I feel like he needs it.

I slowly lifted Harry's arm from around my waist, I tried my best to shuffle out of the bed without waking him up. Harry caught on because he quickly lifted his head up and opened his eyes. I pulled myself out if the bed and Harry tried to grab my hand, just by looking at him I could tell he was still so tried. "Go back to sleep, I'm not going anywhere."

Harry rubbed his eyes and puckered his lips at me asking for a kiss. I quickly kneeled in the bed and pecked his lips. When I got up to leave Harry rolled back over and fell straight back to sleep.

I shut the door to my bedroom and I wondered into the kitchen to clean up the mess. It still smelt like burnt cookies so I opened the window to let the smell out and some fresh air in. I started by chucking out the the cookies and all the egg shells. It really looked like a flour bomb went off in the kitchen. I didn't want to use a vacuum in case that woke Harry so I opted for scraping it into the palm of my hand and putting it in the bin.

This took fucking ages.

By the time all of the flour had gone it had been a good hour or so. I don't know why I thought that was the best way to it because it definitely wasn't. I felt all gross and I had flour all over me so I decided to get into the shower.

I stood in the mirror for a while looking at my legs, I understood what Harry meant by my cuts look bad but they are definitely healed now. I don't know what made me cut new ones but I think it was because it was a new person making me feel like shit, so I needed to add new cuts. I'll never truly understand what goes on in my head when it comes to that stuff.

I had got dressed in the bathroom as I didn't want to wake Harry, when I snuck into my bedroom to get my clothes he was still asleep. But when I came out if the bathroom and walked into the kitchen Harry was stood washing up the baking stuff I used last night. He had no shirt on, only black track pants.

"Morning." I said coming up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my head into the back of him. I felt him grab a towel and dry his hands before turning round and placing a kiss on the top of my head. "How long have you been awake?"

"The shower woke me up." He said tucking some of my wet hair behind my ear.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I pushed up on my tiptoes to reach a better height so he could kiss me at a better height. I quickly pecked his lips before letting go and turning to sit at the kitchen table.

"That's okay baby," he walked around the kitchen towards the door. "I was thinking we could go out for breakfast, then we could stop and get some groceries. I was going to make something to eat but the cupboards are basically empty."

"Yeah okay, shopping hasn't really been on my mind but we definitely need some stuff." I smiled back at him.

"Okay I'll quickly shower then we can get going." Harry turned to walk out the kitchen Into the bathroom.

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