Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"We will be in touch with any leads Miss Kay."

"Yes, thank you for coming out." I said to the two police officers leaving my home. Betty next door heard the commotion and called them. If this had been any other time I would have really appreciated her doing this but after speaking with Harry after the whole mess he told me that he recognised the man as someone he worked with.

Harry had been able to pull the man off of me and pull off the balaclava he had covering his head. He started to beat up the man but once he realised the state I was in he left him alone and came over to me. During this time the man got up and left. I had told the police that I had no idea who the man was or the reason he would want to rob me. I felt terrible lying to them but Harry told me that it would only make matters worse telling the police the truth and I really did not want to get him in trouble.

I closed the door behind the officers who left and collapsed next to Harry on the couch. Harry wrapped his arm around me so I cuddled into him. He leant down and kissed the top of my head. "How are you feeling baby?"

"I'm okay, I just feel drained." A lot has happened in the past couple of days and I feel like I need to take a hundred year nap.

"Well I'm proud of you, I know it was hard lying to the cops."

I sat up to face Harry and gave him a peck on the lips. I liked it when he said he was proud of me because I haven't heard that a lot during my 18 years. "Thank you, but Harry what if he comes back."

"Briony I can swear to you that I will not let anyone ever hurt you again." I nodded but I still felt nervous, I felt like I couldn't stay in my home alone again. "I need to go and sort this out anyway." Harry took his arm away from me and stood up from the couch.

"Harry what?" I sat up straight, was he seriously going to leave right now?

"I'm going to go see my boss and sort this shit out." He bent down and picked his keys up off of the table in front of us.

"Can you not do that tomorrow, it literally just happened?" I really didn't want him to leave, I was too scared to be on my own. Harry just stood and shook his head. He looked confused as to why I wouldn't want him to go. "Are you joking?"

"What?" He murmured.

"You're seriously just going to leave me right now?" I was angry that he had no compassion over the fact I was just attacked in my own home.

"Don't you want me to sort it?" He put his keys back down on the table and stood with us hands on his hips.

"Well yeah but Harry I don't want to be on my own." I stood up so he could properly hear me out.

Harry scoffed. "Well how the fuck do you suppose I sort it out then Briony."

My mouth dropped. I don't understand how he has no feelings about what just happened. Why can't he see it from my perspective, I get that he deals with this shit a lot. But I do not, ever. I told him that I hate violence and it just so happens that I was attacked and he has nothing to say.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him. "Fine whatever," I strutted into my bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I was annoyed at him but realistically I did not want to be on my own at all. As soon as the door shut behind me I felt the hairs on my neck stand up. I felt like the man was going to be in my closet.

I sat down on my bed and pulled the covers over me. I was still in the clothes I wore out which really made me uncomfortable but I have this feeling that my duvet will somewhat protect me from any harm. I rolled over onto my side to face the wall, all my selves heightened because I couldn't see the rest of the room.

I heard the bedroom door open, although it made me nervous I knew it was Harry by the way the person walked into the room. I felt the bed dip and saw and come over I front of me. I relaxed a bit more when I saw the cross tattoo on Harry's hand, I wonder why he has that.

I was still annoyed at him so I didn't say anything but I felt him pull himself under the covers as well and intertwined his legs with mine. He had taken his shoes off which made me feel like he was actually going to stay.

He pressed a kiss on the back of my head. "I'm sorry bri, I just really feel like I need to sort this out. I hate that you were hurt."

I rolled over to face him and tucked a small amount of hair behind his ear. He had less down flat on the pillow next to me. "I know Harry, I get that I swear, I just want you to understand that I'm scared... I don't want to be alone."

Harry leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine. It was a soft kiss, a meaningful one. It felt like an apology kiss. "I'm not going anywhere baby, I'm right here just relax okay?"

I nodded and cuddled up more inti Harry. I felt his heart beating in his chest, it was slow. I felt so much better that Harry was here, I never want it be without him again.

I know I told Sophie that I wasn't going to fall for this man, but the way I relay on him and the way I care for him and they way I feel around him makes me wonder what the future actually hold for us.

This is a really short chapter I know, but this is part of a double update ❤️

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