Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

There are people everywhere, the club is packed. We've only been here around ten minutes but I already feel so overwhelmed. I knew that I really didn't feel up for it and being here only emphasises that.

Sophie was able to get us in the club with ease. She got her flirt on with the bouncer then told him that we know the owner, he's one of her friends dad, and we were let in straight away. As soon as we walked in I could smell the air was full of sweat and some other bodily fluids, like any typical club. There were all different kinds of people here all wearing different things but its so hot in here. The boys in jeans are making me sweat just looking at them.

Sophie is weaving her way through crowds while holding onto my hand pulling us to the bar. In busy crowds I let Soph take the wheel as my social skills are definitely not as good as hers. She managed to get us both to the bar fairly quickly, she just pushed or moved people out of the way.

"Okay what do you want to drink bri?" Sophie stands with her hands on the bar looking at me while the bar tender dresses in a black waist jacket waits for my order.

"I'll take a diet cola and vodka please." The bar tender nodded and turned to make our drinks. "Oh and can I just have a shot of vodka as well." I shouted over the loud music pumping through my body.

We stood at the bar waiting for our drinks, Sophie was already grinding up against a boy stood next to her. I couldn't help but be weary of where I was. Anyone in here could be the man who broke into my house, I was so afraid of bumbung into him at any point. I also wondered if Harry knew about this club, no doubt he wouldn't need an ID. He could probably get into anywhere.

"Your drinks" the bar tender placed mine and Sophie's drink on the counter, I turned to look at Sophie but she was still dancing so I took this opportunity to quickly shot my vodka. "That'll be 12 dollars please."

The liquid burned my throat, I couldn't help but make a face. The man behind the bar stood with a card machine waiting for payment. "Sorry can I just order another shot of vodka please."

The man rolled his eyes but turned to get a shot glass from the shelves behind him. I needed to loosen up, it was annoying me that I was so nervous. Don't get me wrung, I am an anxious person but when I come out with Sophie I am a different person. Usually I'm already in the middle of the dance floor and I hated that I wasn't.

The shot was places in front of me along with the card machine. I smiled before quickly pulling my card out from my bra and tapping it onto the reader. The bar man quickly walked away before serving another person.

I picked up my second shot glass and quickly swallowed the liquid. The sharp pain once again ran down my throat and I slammed the glass back onto the counter. As soon as I looked around the club I could feel that the two quick shots had entered my blood stream.

"Why the second shot babe?" Sophie popped up next to me picked up her glass of vodka tonic before taking a sip through the straw. "You're not very sneaky."

I laughed and picked up my own drink. "I just need a stress reliever I guess."

"Well you can relieve that stress on the dance floor, come on." Sophie grabbed my hand and lead us to the middle of the club.

It was way more crowded in this area but it didn't seem to bother me now. The alcohol in my system was really affecting me now. I guess you could say I'm definitely a lightweight.


"I think I might puke." Sophie was full on yelling over all the loud sounds of the dance floor. We've been in this club for a while now, between us we've drank enough to kill a man but it doesn't look to be a if we are going to stop. "Actually wait, no I'm good."

Sophie and I confuse dancing to the music booming from all of the speakers. The club got busier overtime and now space just isn't an option. Safe to say I wasn't bothered about seeing my attacker, on,y about what drink I was gong to have next.

"I'm going to go get us more drinks. Same again?" I grabbed Sophie's arm so she would look at me. It was way easier to lip read rather that attempt to hear what anyone was saying.

Sophie nodded and slapped my ass as I turned to walk and get us more drinks. I managed to push my way through the bodies of sweaty drunk people and get to the bar. There were people all lined up across it but I was able to find a small gap and push my way into it.

Safe to say I could hardkt see straight. The bottles on the shelf at the back of the bar were a blur of colours and the bar its self was spinning, I felt like I was in a roundabout that was spinning. I tried my best to focus on one of the bottles so I wouldn't fall over while I wait for a server to ask me what I wanted.

It's been the same two bar tenders all night and I've been served by them both so all they need to do is see me and they would know what drinks to make. I layes my arms on the top of the sticky bar so I could push myself forward hoping one of the men would see me and serve me quicker.

Just as one of the bar tenders made eye contact with me I felt two hands grab on my ass. I quickly stood back up straight and flipped my body around only to be pinned up against the bar by some random guy I've never seen before. I froze, my head was spinning.

There looked to be about three men but I knew it was just one as they all looked the same. He was wearing black jeans, a white top and a black denim jacket. He smelt disgusting, a mix of bodily odour and beer. His dirty hands were resting on my hips, pulling me closer to him.

I still just stayed still trying to fathom what was actually happening. My back was still touching the bar while he was pressing his body into me. I just shook my head in astonishment until I felt his hands reach down my thighs and travel up my skirt.

I pushed off of the bar and shoved the man away with full force. I fell a bit forward as my drunkenness wouldn't allow me to stay stood still. The man came stumbling back over to grab me again but the bar tender reached over and pulled my shoulder back. I quirky turned around facing the bar.

"Is this man bothering you?" He yelled in my ear so I could hear him. I was still shocked at what was happening so all I could manage was a nod. He smiled at me and stood back up straight and leaned over my shoulder. I didn't turn around, I did not want to see that guy again.

"I'm going to need you to step away from this young lady, she's not happy with you being her and if you don't I'll have to call over a bouncer, and James we don't need that happening for what the third time this week?" The bar tender shouted past me at the man behind me.

I felt his presence leave and a breath left me. "Thank you, so so much"

The bartender nodded. "Any drinks?"

"I'll just take three tequila shots please." I replied to his question.

There was no way I was staying, I really needed to leave now. I've had a good time with Sophie but now I just need to go home, I have a bad feeling and I need to feel safe in my home. I reached down into my bar and pulled out my phone. It was a bit sweaty but I needed to text Sophie and tell her I'm leaving.

I know that she'll stay, it's usually his out nights end. I'll leave a couple hours earlier and she'll stay and mingle with girls and guys she's met throughout the night. My phone was a jumble of apps ans lights. I could hardly tell what anything was but I held my phone close enough to my face to kind of work out my texting app.

To Sophie
Hey siph I'm tired so leaving. Love u , tsay safe.

Looking at the screen was giving me a headache so I shoved it back down into my bra and turned to face the bar. Three shots were sat in front of me, I went to get my phone out again but the server stopped me and told it they were on him.

He quucku turned away to deal with some other people. I stared at the three shots sat on the bar, I knew that as soon as u even have one I'll be three times as more drunk than u am now. But after what just happened I feel I need to be even more drunk.

I quickly threw one of the shots back and without even processing it I picked up the next one and the one after that. The strong liquid pierced my throat, almost making me feel sick. All the lights around me merged together into one big ball of rainbow and then and there i knew i really needed to leave.

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