28. The Eighth Team8

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It had just been an hour since Pin give birth to their little girl, but her, Coiny, and Needle
were already enveloped in the profound joy that comes with welcoming a new life into the world. The hospital room echoed with the soft cries of the newborn, a sound that filled the throuple with a sense of awe and wonder.

"I can't believe she's here," Pin said, tears welled up in her eyes, as she held her baby girl in her arms, "she's just perfect."

Coiny, looking at his daughter, couldn't hide the tears streaming down his face. "She's more than perfect. She's a miracle. She's our little angel."

Needle, standing by their side, shared in the emotional moment. "I never thought I could feel this much joy from someone. I love her so much."

Pin, Coiny, and Needle still couldn't believe that they were parents now.

"Do you want to hold her Coiny?" Pin asked.

"Of course," he responded, as Pin gently have him her daughter.

"Hello little one, it's your dad," Coiny said, "welcome to the world sweet girl" He held her with a mix of gentleness and awe, his heart overflowing with paternal love for his daughter.

Needle was still in disbelief that she was a mom now, but as she saw Coiny holding their daughter, a deep sense of joy and fulfillment washed over her. She reached out to gently stroke the baby's soft cheek.

"She's so small and perfect," Needle whispered, a radiant smile on her face. "I can't believe she's ours."

It didn't take long before the baby started to cry in Coiny's arms.

"Shhhhh," Coiny said, trying to soothe her, "it's okay, daddy's right here." The baby continued to wail even after Coiny tried rocking her.

"Can I have a go," Needle asked.

"Of course," he said, gently handing Needle her daughter.

"Hello princess, it's mommy! You're so adorable," Needle cooed as she cradled the baby. She began rocking her gently, whispering soothing words. It wasn't long before the baby's cries started to subside, replaced by the sweet sounds of contentment.

"Wow, you're a natural at this, Needle," Pin remarked, watching in awe as Needle comforted their daughter.

Needle smiled. "I guess motherly instincts kick in pretty quickly."

It wasn't long before Pin closed her eyes and took a well deserved nap.

The hospital room was filled with a peaceful atmosphere as Pin rested, the soft sounds of the baby's content coos creating a soothing melody. Coiny and Needle exchanged smiles, their hearts brimming with gratitude for the precious life they now held in their arms.

"I can't wait for you to meet all your aunties and uncle later today," Coiny said to the little girl.

"Aunties and uncle?" Needle responded, partially confused.

"What can I say," Coiny respondes, "the rest of Team8s is family to us, their gonna have a huge impact on our little girl's life.

Needle's eyes softened with gratitude as she glanced at Coiny. "You're right. We're surrounded by an amazing family, and our little one is going to have so much love and support."

Around an hour later after Pin woke up, a doctor came in to check on Pin and the baby.

The doctor entered the room, a warm smile on their face, ready to ensure the well-being of both Pin and the newborn.

"Hello there! Congratulations to the new parents," the doctor greeted. "How are you feeling, Pin?"

Pin, still basking in the afterglow of giving birth, responded with a tired but content smile. "Tired, but so happy. And our little one is just amazing."

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