88. Pranking the Throuple

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It had been a week since Donut and Barf Bag found out they were expecting. While the two of them were thrilled, they still hadn't told the others yet. They were still in shock themselves, and never got around to having everyone in one place at one time.

On the way back from work, Barf Bag thought that the two of them should take advantage of the fact that the pregnancy was still a secret from the household.

"Donut?" Barf Bag looked at her husband, who was driving the car on the open road.

"Yeah?" He responded, "What is it, Barfy?"

A smirk started to form on Barf Bag's face, "I was thinking...we need to tell the others about the pregnancy soon..."

Donut exchanged a confused glance with her, "What about that."

Barf Bag let out a devilish laugh, "Let's have some fun with it."

Donut was now curious, "What did you have in mind?"

Barf Bag was excited to reveal her plan, "I was thinking we prank the throuple by leaving a pregnancy test in their room when they go to work tomorrow."

While Donut usually wasn't the one to mess with people, he imagined the reactions they'd have once they saw the test in their room, "imagine the girls fighting with eachother about who's test it is."

Barf Bag laughed, "You get the idea! Imagine the look on their faces once I tell them it's mine."

Donut was now on board, "You never fail to amaze me, Barfy. I can't wait to watch this unfold."

Once the two of them got home for the night, they made sure to locate Barf Bag's positive pregnancy test. When they found it, they got ready for bed, excited to make their announcement to the rest of the team memorable.

The next day, once the throuple had woken up and left their rooms, Barf Bag headed back upstairs. She grabbed the pregnancy test form the bathroom, and put it right on top of their bed. She made her way back down to the breakfast table, trying to contain her laughter.

She turned to Donut, and whispered in his ear, "So far, so good!"

After breakfast, the team made their way to their respective jobs. Barf Bag and couldn't believe what they had just done, but were excited to see everyone's reactions later that day. From what everyone knew, they were still looking into adoption.

Once Barf Bag and Donut got home from work later that evening, they were greeted by the rest of the team, who didn't appear off at all.

Donut turned to her ear, "They must not have seen it yet."

As the afternoon progressed, the two of them waited until someone from the throuple made their way up to the bedroom. Then, they heard it.

"Guys, I'm just gonna put this upstairs real quick," Coiny said. Barf Bag and Donut immediately kept their ears open for anything.

Gaty and Saw, who were supervising the kids as they were watching TV, noticed Barf Bag and Donut acting a little strange, like they were hiding something.

"Okay, what's up you two," Gaty said, a stern look on her face.

Barf Bag let out a little chuckle, "You'll see in about 3...2...1-"

"PIN! NEEDLE! YOU TWO GET UP HERE RIGHT NOW!" Coiny shouted from upstairs.

Pin and Needle ran frantically up to their room, not knowing what in the world could be this urgent.

"What's going on?" Pin asked as she entered the room, her eyes widening at the sight of the pregnancy test on the bed.

"Why is there a pregnancy test here?" Needle added, looking equally puzzled.

Coiny was holding the test, waving it around. "One of you has some explaining to do!"

Pin and Needle exchanged bewildered glances. "It's not mine!" they both said in unison, shaking their heads.

Downstairs, Barf Bag and Donut struggled to contain their laughter. "This is too good," Barf Bag whispered.

Saw, who had been watching this unfold, raised an eyebrow. "You two are up to something, aren't you?"

Barf Bag nodded, unable to suppress a grin. "Just wait for it."

The argument upstairs intensified. "This isn't funny, Coiny!" Pin exclaimed. "I don't know whose it is, but it's not mine!"

Needle added, "Same here! This has to be some kind of prank."

Coiny, still holding the test, looked flustered. "Well, if it's not yours and it's not Pin's, then whose is it? Huh!"

At that moment, Barf Bag decided to make the grand reveal. She motioned for Donut to follow her as she headed upstairs. The throuple looked up as they entered the room.

"Hey guys," Barf Bag said, trying to keep a straight face. "What's going on?"

"So you guys are not going to believe this," Needle said, "we found this pregnancy test on our bed and none of us knows whose it is!"

"Oh, that pregnancy test?" Barf Bag asked, trying to sound innocent, "you know, I was wondering where that went?"

"Wait...that was...yours?" Pin questioned, as she tried to put two and two together.

Barf Bag and Donut simultaneously nodded, trying to contain their emotions.

"NO WAY!" Coiny shouted, "It actually happened?"

"Holy shit," Needle added, her face lighting up with excitement. "You're pregnant?"

Barf Bag beamed, unable to hold back any longer. "Yes, Donut and I are expecting! We found out last week, and we thought it would be fun to surprise you all with a little prank."

Pin, Needle, and Coiny stood there in stunned silence for a moment before breaking into wide smiles. They rushed forward, enveloping Barf Bag and Donut in a group hug.

"This is amazing news!" Pin exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness. "I'm so happy for your guys, I know how badly you guys wanted this baby!"

Needle nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, congratulations! I can't believe you pulled this prank off so perfectly. You really had us going!"

Coiny laughed, shaking his head. "You two are something else. But seriously, this is wonderful news. We're so happy for you both."

Downstairs, Gaty and Saw, who had been watching the scene unfold from the doorway, exchanged knowing glances and smiled.

"Well, that was quite the reveal," Saw said, chuckling.

Gaty nodded, a warm smile on her face. "They sure know how to keep things interesting around here."


I honestly love this chapter! Also, I want to apologize for not having as many chapters with the kids in them - don't worry, you'll be seeing more of them soon! With so many characters in this story, some of them might have stretches where they're not in as many chapters, so brace more for that! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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