Angel From Above - Rythian Arc

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'Damn it, Jen. Where are you?' He thought, looking around. It didn't help that he was sleep-deprived and it was already midnight, and Rythian was feeling too tired for anything. He was turning his head this way and that, looking around for Jennifer.

Then someone tapped on his shoulder.

He whipped around suddenly, and chuckled when he saw who it was. Standing at his shoulder, with brown hair glowing and a smile to match, was Jennifer. In all her pristine, glorious beauty, she stood before him like an angel.

"Hey, Mister. Looking for someone?" She grinned, smiling at him playfully with a wink.

"Not anymore." He said, hugging her tightly. And they held on to each other for what seemed like the longest time. It felt like eternity. Or at least, he wanted it to feel like eternity. It felt like a lifetime since he last saw her - He wanted this time he saw her to last an eternity.

But eventually they parted, and Jen smiled up at him. She seemed so excited, so happy, and he took her hand into his.

"How were your travels?" He asked, grabbing her luggage with his free hand. They started to walk. She sighed and stretched.

"If you take out the part where I was working, it was pretty awesome. In order of where I went, I was in Paris, then I was in Hong Kong, then Tokyo, Japan-"

"Japan? Kyoko would flip. She's always wanted to visit."

"Oh? Where did she want to go?"

"Kyoto and Osaka, so she said. I think her grandmother lives in Kyoto, and that's where her mother was from, so that might be why." He shrugged, walking her to the car and pausing to lift the heavy luggage into the trunk. "What do you put in here, gold bars?"

"Oh yeah, I'm secretly a gold smuggler."

"Sure, remember to split the money with me if the deal goes well." He replied sarcastically. She laughed. "Do you think you can drive? I'm tired, haven't gotten much sleep."

"It's fine, I can drive." She chuckled and got into the driver's seat. Rythian got in and buckled up, and they drove off. He was looking out the window, smiling at the night scene. It seemed so much better, so much more beautiful now that she was here. Right beside him, cussing out every bad driver she saw. And yet, she was beautiful. She always was.

"I can't believe we've been dating for three years."

"By April 23rd next year, four years."

"That's a pretty long time, isn't it?" He commented, even though he didn't think it was really that long. At his age he felt like he should've been in a more committed relationship that had lasted at least more than five years, but she laughed. Almost like she agreed. Rythian chuckled, and smiled at her. He always loved looking her. The radio was playing a song, and it was quiet in the car except for the radio. Jennifer looked over at him slightly.

"So? How's Kyoko?" She asked expectantly, and he shrugged.

"What can I say? She's quiet, she does her homework in her room and plays video games, and then she goes out with Jay and comes back pretty late. But I'm seeing her smile a lot more, and she sings. If anything, I know she's doing a lot better now. Oh, and she told me last night that she kissed her girlfriend." He found himself smiling as he said this, leaning back in the seat. Jen chuckled.

"You're a great dad, Joey." She said, making a turn. He shrugged, feeling a blush creep up on him. He looked out the window to hide it, but he had a feeling that Jen already knew it was there.

"I'm just doing my best." Rythian replied, paying attention to all the little silhouettes. Every time they passed a street lamp, he would smile at seeing her face illuminated by the yellow lights. And god damn- She's beautiful.

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