Alternative Path: Dark Enough

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A/N This is the direction I intended when I first started, if this story hadn't spiralled out of control. Obviously this isn't how the story goes anymore, but I do like angst and sad Yogs, so I decided to write it anyway!

Ending where Rythian fucking dies.

I'd explain why I no longer like this ending later. This should be pretty short.

It's quiet here, save for the soft music that played over everything. All I could hear were breathing and whispers.

"Hey, Aki." Kim touched my arm gently, looking from the picture to my eyes. I remained quiet. "I'm sorry that we had to meet again like this."

I blinked away some tears and sighed. I kept my silence.

"They told me you won't be talking today, because you know he won't want you to cry. So I'd just do all the talking for both of us, okay?"

I nodded. Jay walked up to me and squeezed my hand.

I stared straight ahead at Rythian's picture, hung directly above the casket and squeezed Jay's hand tighter.

I don't pay attention to the eulogy. I don't read the obituary. I hold on tight to Jay's hand and I let Kim put a hand on my shoulder. I watch Jennifer cry. I don't cry.

I try to move on, but no one else makes sandwiches the same way you do, Rythian.
I don't read your last rites.
I don't watch as they lowered your cold body into the dark earth, six feet deep.
I don't hug anybody, but I let Jennifer hold me.
I look down at the hole they dug for you and wonder if you know how deep they dug it.
I don't look at your face for the last time before they close the lid.

I walked out of your funeral midway.
I don't feel sorry for it.
But I am pretty pissed.


A/N: Ah yes the angst path. I don't know what my 15 year old brain was doing. I'm assuming that I had intended for it to go a whole lot darker and force Akiko to move to Bristol with the rest of the Yogscast who all have now experienced the same grief Aki experiences and heal with them etc.

I think now that I have figured out Aki's character better and how experiences shape her, this ending is really sucky. She does not need this. Like bloody hell was losing her biological parents not enough? Jesus Christ.

As I continued writing I started to understand more and more about how Aki feels at different points in her life. This is going to sound dumb as hell, but I grew up. I celebrated my 18th birthday recently, I'm the same age as Aki right now. I didn't go through the same amount of crap Aki went through, but I do suffer from mental health issues.

I'm glad I didn't kill Joakim. Because for me, it means that things do get better. For Aki, it's peace.


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