Dear Shining Memories

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"Thanks for driving me here." I said, as Rythian drove on the long road towards this huge building they call 'University'. He smiled at me, and I leaned back in my seat. I graduated. At long last. I'm gone from there, from them. I'm gone from all those people who kicked me down stairs and called me a burden, far away into a distant memory that I will only have to battle to forget. Now far away from the people who stole my homework and etched insults into my desk. I can still hear their echoing voices now.

I got out of the car with Rythian, and we went up the elevator to find the General Office. Oh I sure hope my application will go through...

We sat there, on the cold, worn, leather seats. I don't like the look that reception lady is giving me, it's piercing and colder than the seats. I shifted uncomfortably. Rythian was tweeting something.

"I suddenly remember I don't have a phone." I said, trying to break the ice that had formed in the office. He laughed.

"I'd get you one soon. Maybe we should go look for one after this."

"Good idea." I said, glancing at the lady beyond the counter again, she was still staring at me. I swallowed. I don't like her.

"The headmaster will see you now." She said in her bored, dragged out voice. I nodded, stood and walked to the left, down the corridor looking for the Headmaster's office.

"Good luck!" Rythian called after me, I took a deep breath before I turned the knob and entered the office.

"Good afternoon." I said respectfully, trying to make a good impression. Behind the desk was a man who resembled Colonel Sanders, beard and all. Except that the beard was grey, not white. Otherwise, he would have become Dumbledore with a short beard. This man wore a suit and a kindly smile. I swallowed hard.

"Miss Hellstrand. Take a seat." Mr Richard greeted me, and I sat down quickly, intimidated by the authoritative figure before me. He shuffled through my form and my resumé, then he placed them down, and looked at me from behind his glasses.

"As I can see from your application, your actual name is Kyoko Sora, is that right? Earlier on this year you were adopted by your current parent Joakim Hellstrand. But prior to that, nearly a week before Mr Hellstrand adopted you a Ivan Killinchy was of custody of you. Might I ask why?" The question was inevitable. I had anticipated the question, even practiced my answer, and I took a deep breath before I answered.

"Mr Killinchy did... Unspeakable crimes that cannot be erased from history. He lost custody of me when Joakim called the police to report him. And not too long after Joakim applied to adopt me and earned custody of me." I explained shortly, but it was apparently sufficient to Mr Richard. So I relaxed. He shuffled through more papers, and looked at me.

"I see that you are only sixteen, Miss Hellstrand. Why are you applying for University?"

"Because I do not want my years of hard work to go to waste. I studied extremely hard to skip two grades, and I do not intend for it to go to waste." I said, more confidently than I felt. Then Mr Richard smiled, and nodded his approval.

"Why this one then?"

"Because the others rejected me due to my age." I said bluntly, because it was the truth. Then Mr Richard looked surprised, then he chuckled.

"Thank you for your time, Miss Hellstrand. You will be notified regarding your application in a week." He said, standing up to shake my hand. I shook it, fast. And then I bolted out of the office as fast as I could, only one thought in my head.

What the hell was I thinking?

Rythian stood up immediately as I exited from the corridor shaking and trembling in anxiousness, and he greeted me with arms open wide.

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