Back To The Beginning

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I didn't think I would ever see this face again. The last time I saw him was the same day the documentary was aired, where they interviewed him. I know, I know. I never mentioned the documentary until now, but I hadn't exactly bothered to watch it. The only reason I did was because Jay showed me parts of it. I already knew what it was about. I didn't need to see it again.

But there he was. Jonathan the Detective, the one who found enough evidence to convict Ivan in court. Yes, the person who helped put my abuser behind bars. He stood there with a brown box in hand, and for some reason, I didn't want to see what was inside.

I didn't want to see him again. All I could think of was bad news. He looked relieved, yet dishevelled. Like he ran all the way here. We made eye contact for a good amount of time, maybe a million years passed between us, before he spoke.

"Kyoko! Oh thank god. I'm so glad I found you, I wasn't sure if the address was right. Is- Is Joakim home?"

As he said this, Rythian walked up behind me. I didn't need to look at him to know that Rythian was glaring daggers at Jonathan.

"Yes." I responded, despite the obvious.

"Oh, good. I- Can I come in? I found a few things and I think you deserve to know about this." He looked somewhat desperate, and I looked to Rythian. Rythian shrugged and nodded. I moved aside so that he could enter.

We were seated at the kitchen table, and Jonathan didn't touch the glass of water I got for him. Rythian was seated next to me, waiting for him to speak. Jen was standing beside Rythian, looking more than ready to hit someone if the message hurt me. Jonathan put the box on the table, and pushed it over to me.

"I think you should see for yourself." He said, and I looked from him to the box, suddenly fear filling me again. All of a sudden, I was back in that time, a day before the trial, shaking in the hospital, terrified out of my mind.

But I opened the box. Because I'm not as afraid any more. Whatever this is, it can't hurt me. I won't let it. I'm stronger now.

Staring up at me were old CD cases, each one labelled with a date, and a cheesy title in kanji. I understood most of it.

'November 8th, 1997. Welcome, Akiko'.

'January 26th, 1998. First Steps! How exciting.'

'February 28th, 1999. Almost a leap baby! Thank goodness, Kenji.'

'October 14th, 2000. Akiko, look! It's your name!'

'July 7th, 2000. Ojisan, you made Aki cry...'

'June 2nd, 2006. It's the beach!'

I could barely hold back my tears. I looked up at Jonathan, who was smiling at me.

"How did you- Where did you find these?" I blubbered. Rythian pulled the box away, peering inside. It didn't take long for him and Jen to figure out what they were. Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck.

"I found the box sitting inside the investigation storage room, by pure chance. I got permission to look inside - I didn't watch any, rest assured - and I realised what they all were. They kept it on the same shelf that had all your investigation stuff too, that's how I linked it back to you. It took a lot of persuasion for them to let me have it back. They wouldn't give it to me, because you aren't of legal age to claim them back yet, but Joakim could because he's now your legal guardian. They weren't going to let me, but hallelujah, they did. So here we are." He looked so pleased with himself, I had to laugh. I wiped away a tear, because I was so glad to have these back. I wanted to watch them all right in that moment. Jonathan then produced a extra file from his bag.

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