A Brighter Day To Show We Can Fight Back

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A/N Before we begin I need to admit that I know very little about court proceedings and so this is going to be filled with a lot of guesswork and I sincerely apologise for it.

-Alex OUT-

I was shaking, but not because of the cold. It was pretty cold where I was, but that was not the reason why I was shaking. The court hall was cold. But there was a lot of tension in there too. A little too much for my nerves to handle. I gripped my jacket together tightly, trying to breathe. The judge was listening to the witness speaking - Rythian - and now my lawyer had stood up to argue my case again. But I barely paid attention to what they were saying. I was too busy trying to breathe.

Four months earlier

"Hello, my name is Jonathan. I'm a detective." He said, as the police liason officer and another detective was talking to Rythian. I swallowed. We were at the hospital again, before I got discharged. The memory would be embedded into my mind, forever. I wondered why I felt so frightened of a man who was just trying to help. As a matter of fact, I was afraid of men in general. All, except fot Rythian. I let Rythian be my adoptive father for heaven's sake. I felt almost no fear of him. But this man, Jonathan, he made me feel uncomfortable. Even though I knew he was here to help.

"Detective? Like Sherlock Holmes?" I answered stupidly, even though it wasn't my first time interacting with the authorities. He laughed.

"A lotta kids say that when I tell them." He answered, with an accent so strong I had to focus to understand him. It amused me. Then the Police Liason Officer, Louise, came by.

"Hi, Kyoko." He said, smiling, sitting down next to my bed. I could barely look at him. Or any of them for that matter. There were too many people around my bed.

"Can you please tell them to go?" I nearly begged. It made me feel claustrophobic, I could see Ivan's face in every one of them. Louise nodded, and gestured for them to leave. But I let Rythian stay.

"Are you up for it?" Rythian asked. I shrugged. I did not want to do this. I did not want to do this. But I had to. Anthony, the other detective, told me that we needed some video evidence. I agreed, even though my mind did not accept it. Now I to talk into a video camera, and then present it to the court. But what if Ivan got off? That would be terrifying. But I still had hope in me, as Rythian looked at me hopefully. I had hope.

"Yeah. I'd be fine." I said, getting up. The nurse helped me into a wheelchair - Due to me being pumped with so many drugs to help my wounds and nether reigions heal, I could barely walk. I steadied myself as she wheeled me to a little room where I was to talk about it. How had Rythian done this so many times? Talk into a recording device I mean. Maybe it was different. I looked at him before I began, but he answered before I asked.

"Don't worry. I don't like being on camera either." And then I had a bit more strength to carry on.

For about fifteen million years I sat and spoke into a video camera, feeling silly. I spoke about the year before he began to abuse me, I spoke about how he would do it. Very specifically. I spoke about the first time, where he tied me up to the ceiling half-naked and touched my breasts. Then he raped me. First time. I felt like running away, I felt like I wanted to melt into a puddle of shame and fear, as I related this incident. I felt like it was my fault, and if it was I did not deserve to live. Then I described what were the other things he did. I remembered that one day, he tied me in the most awkward, painfully uncomfortable positions possible and then left me there for an hour to answer a call. It had gotten to the point that I almost too relieved that he returned, but then I would be in fear and in pain. My walls had been made sound-proof, the neighbours heard nothing. And so I related it, one story after another. At one point, Rythian looked like he was going to pass out. There were just so many incidents over the course of the years he had abused me. I know he once heated a knife until it was red-hot, and cut into my arm, near my shoulders. I even pulled down a sleeve to show the camera how the scar looked like, proving the damage done. And finally, I was done. And when I was done, I broke down in tears. I wished I never agreed. I wished I kept silent.

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