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Rythian had set up his laptop in the living room on the coffee table. He said that he was going to let me meet Zoey today. From what I knew, Zoey was a bisexual girl who swung more towards the female side, like, a lot, she has a girlfriend named Fiona Riches, she is also a YouTuber who is part of the Yogscast, like Rythian was. He said she was nice, and I hope so. I was wearing the clothes she got for me, as I sat on the couch before the laptop, waiting for the network to connect.

"Don't worry, you'd like her. She's crazy, but she's the good kind of crazy. Of course, sometimes she goes over the edge of insane weirdness but in a good way, I assure you." He said, and I swallowed. I was nervous about meeting new people. But Zoey sounded like a nice person, not forgetting that she got me the world's coolest shirt. So I breathed, and waited for the call to connect.

"Hey good lookins, what's cookin'?" Came Zoey's voice from the laptop. Rythian nearly facepalmed, as I couldn't help but break out in laughter.

"Zoey, could you for once answer normally?"

"Nope! Hey there, you must be Kyoko! Nice to meet you!" Zoey said, her voice forever in exclamation points. I broke out in fresh laughter, as I nodded. I liked her already.

"Yeah! Hello Zoey, I'm Kyoko. Kyoko Sora, or Hellstrand, as of right now." I said, and that was the first time I ever met Zoey. She was a beautiful brunette, with lovely well-shaped lips. She was beautiful.

We talked a lot about games and things. Zoey was talking about Anxiety and Depression and giving me some advice. Seemed that she and I are the same, just without the PTSD.

I like Zoey. She's nice.

"Hey, you should play Minecraft with us one of these days." Zoey said, all of a sudden. It was amongst the only sentences she said that made sense. But I was mildly confused.

"What's Minecraft?" I asked stupidly. I had repeated over twenty 'what' questions in the past half hour. There was so much I missed out during evil's reign, games, events. All the things I should've experienced, all that happiness that I should've, could've, would've experienced... All were robbed from me during evil's reign. Zoey and Rythian must be so tired of explaining everything to me, the victim of an extremely one-sided war.

Oh how I cried during those days.

Days were spent sneaking out the window while Ivan went out to work, collecting wooden planks to build that hiding place. Gömställe. Kakure basho. A hiding place, an escape. And then, Zoey smiled. And in her most pompous, dignified and her most English accent possible, replied.

"It's a game where you build your own adventure. Always more fun with friends. It's filled with blocky trees and animals, and even your own body is a square-shaped structure. There is no storyline, for the very fact that you create it yourself. It is a very entertaining game." She finished, and Rythian finally smacked his forehead in exasperation, as though to say 'Honestly!'

It was then I laughed, and realised that those days were long gone. My laughter came out strong and real, a rare noise I made. Then Zoey stretched, and another girl with messy hair entered the room where Zoey was. She smiled at the screen.

"Hey, I'm Fiona. I think it's time Zozo went off, isn't it?"

"Aw but Fifi..."

"Lunchtime Zozo."

"Okay then... Bye!"


And then, the call ended. Rythian leaned back in the couch, slightly exhausted. I wouldn't blane him. Trying to hold a proper, normal conversation with Zoey was exhausting. It was like trying to tell a two-year-old to do Advanced Computer Science. Not that I doubt the ability of two-year-olds, but still. Then Rythian smiled at me.

"So, lunch? I wanted to take you somewhere today. And I swear you will laugh at the name." He said, and I looked at him curiously, mantaining the three-foot distance I held from him.

"It's called Bastard."

"Wait what?"


"Oh my..."

I nearly burst out in more giggles, but a part of me resisted. Half of me was still afraid of doing what came natural. Laughing, smiling. Talking, requesting even the simplest things like "pass the salt".

Oh, how much fear was caused by the reign of evil...

Rythian noticed. He reached out a hand to me, with a gentle, yet slightly sad smile.

"It's okay." He said, much like one would to a wounded animal. And in so many ways, I was like one. "You don't have to be afraid any more." It was the first time in three days that he directly spoke of my fears. And then I wondered, for one brief moment, if I was allowed to hug him. It didn't last very long.

I threw my hands around his neck. The material of his hoodie felt soft and warm, as his hands were awkwardly placed on my back, returning the hug with some uncertainty. I did not let go of his neck for a very long time. I fought back the tears that threatened to roll past my scarred cheeks, and then a firmer hold was felt around me as he said, in his normal, monotone voice but with a bit of a protective and soothing tone to it.

"It's okay to cry."

And so I did. I cried. I let the tears roll past the scars, allowing the liquid flow from my eyes, then touch and heal my wounds. It felt cold against the stretched new skin, as it felt tears upon it for the first time. Rythian only held me tighter.

"I'd protect you from now on." He said in response to my sobs. I just kept crying, allowing myself to cry just one more time.

Oh, how the dams broke free and let chaos reign...

"I promise."

Oh, how wonderful those words were in the midst of a battlefield...

A/N I apologise for the short chapter.

-Kyoko OUT-

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