When Tragedy Strikes, The Angel Wept

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It started with a phone call. The lecturer looked up at the ceiling for a brief second, somehow unable to comprehend the phone call he just received, and he stared at me. We hadn't even finished the slide yet.

I remember running down the halls of the student dorms, pounding on Jay's door- Please let me in, I screamed. I need your bike.

She got me to the hospital as fast as she could, I could hardly stand straight at the desk. The nurse led me to a private ward. The wires, the heart monitor, all those tubes. I pinched myself to make sure I hadn't been dreaming.

They said it was an accident, he wasn't supposed to be taking that many pills but there he was with a stomach pump. They weren't sure if it was suicide or not.

Jennifer was crying. I slumped into a seat and tried to make sense of everything that was happening around me. I wondered if it could have been me on that hospital bed, in the exact same scene. I wondered if he really thought it through.

Joakim did not wake up until forever later. He couldn't speak yet, but his eyes were telling all of us that he didn't want us to see him that way. His first word was "Why", his second was "Sorry".


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