The Wall

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Today's topic is forgiveness.

Will you choose to forgive the one who had hurt you,

Or will you choose not to, and let the guilt eat at their soul, and yours?

It's only a matter of choice.


* * *

I assure you, I had nothing to do with this. Please do not ask me any questions about what is about to unfurl before us, I did not plan this. I swear.

We walked in like how we always did, chatting and laughing as usual. Jay and I walked into the record shop without any notion of something unusual happening today. Adam greeted us as usual. I sat up at the counter as usual. I was writing bad poetry, for no reason in particular really perhaps outside of having watched a few too many slam poetry videos beforehand. And then he came in. He walked into the record shop without any notion of whatever was going on, no plan whatsoever, and locked eyes with Jay. I only know that he didn't have a plan as to what was going on because of what he did afterwards.

Guess what he did.

It was turning right around, and taking off like a bullet that just left the barrel.

I won't say I'm surprised by that, because I don't believe he planned this either. I don't believe that he walked in, a heart and mind full of words he wanted to press into Jay's hands in the form of endless sheets of parchment, I don't believe he walked in with the thought 'Let's see if Jay's here today'. Instead, I think his thought process was: 'I should go unwind at the record shop today'. Maybe I was more surprised by the fact that he showed up to begin with.

So I don't think I'm surprised by Christopher's immediate getaway, though I am surprised by Jay's reaction. I thought she'd flat-out ignore it, but I was wrong. I was surprised and even now, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

She yelled "Wait!" and paused, like he was going to come back, for about a second and a half, and then she gave chase. She bolted out of the record shop, leaving me and Adam in the dust, Adam with his hand already around the handle of a fresh pot of tea. I looked at him apologetically before I too, started to give chase. Why? Because I'm curious. I want to know.

And you know how they say curiousity kills the cat.

Jay somehow caught up to Chris, and grabbed him by the shoulder. He tried to wrench himself out of her steel grip, but failed and was now forced to face her like he was facing his greatest fear. Because he was. As of right now, Christopher is being forced to face his feelings for her, and their past. Jay's eyes travelled up and down, analysing him, scanning his body for all changes since they met. It had been ages since they had seen each other and somehow, this was the one moment they realised how much they had missed each other.

I stood a distance away, and watched.

"Hi." He said awkwardly, unsure of how she'd react. He had been so convinced of the fact that she hated him, he hadn't been prepared to face her. She hadn't either. She hadn't been prepared to meet him again after all those years apart. Her eyes swept over him and searched his face, his hair, his arms and legs and everything hungrily, looking at him for every trace of a boy she once knew.

They had both grown taller. They had both grown further apart. They had both grown, and the years left behind started to catch up to them, as if the game of tag was coming to an end. All of a sudden, it felt like both of them had been waiting for something to happen this whole time. It felt like they were both feeling the same thing this whole time.

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