The Day I Flew

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"Do you really have to go?" Jay asked, pouting a little. Making that adorable face I adored. But I smiled instead, and nodded. 

"Yeah. Hey it isn't a bad thing, it's not like I'm leaving forever, I'd be back in a week or so. Just visiting the Yogscast dudes, and I'm really excited. I'd send you plenty of photos of Kim." I replied cheerily, because even as I didn't want to leave Jay behind, I was ecstatic. I was looking forward to the meeting, after all those Skype calls I was actually excited to meet them. Especially after the Minecraft chatbox saga, I had the impression that they'd be more relaxed and fun. Unlike what Rythian had been trying to get them to portray, that they were more professional and less playful. I think it was to boost his 'awesome' meter or something, maybe to look cooler. But I have already seen a lot of the videos, and I think it's safe to say that Rythian's plan failed. They were hilarious, and I think I really like the sort of friendship they have. And now Jay's laughing at my sentence, and she shook her head vigorously. 

"Oh god no, That'd be creepy. I mean come on." She said between laughter, and I smiled. I love her laugh, the way she would throw her head back and laugh freely. I love how her eyes shined, a gleaming jade green full of life. Her laugh was like tinkling bells, soft and gentle. Every part of her was beautiful. And I loved the blue nail polish, the black hair, the way she rode the motorcycle a little too fast, and how much she loved Pepsi the first time she met him. Pepsi the Snake, Jade the Blue Jay. She liked him. A lot. And I think Pepsi liked her too.  

The airport would keep Pepsi safe when I brought him to Bristol, I hope. For the past few nights I had nightmares involving a man named Ivan and a dead snake. It was terrifying. But I have faith that the pet carriers would keep him safe, which would be fine. Pepsi's growing bigger, it might be time for him to shed soon. Oh I hope the airport people would care for him... 

"Well, I'd Skype you then. I'd be staying at Lewis's place so I'd see how it goes." I said, stuffing more clothes into my already-bulging suitcase. Jay sighed and fell back onto the floor. 

"Not the same as having you physically here. The Record Shop is gonna be so empty." She complained, dragging out the word 'so' until it had five syllables. I could only chuckle in response, slamming the white suitcase shut. Jay sighed and sat up, tracing the butterfly silhouettes I painted on.  

"Kyo? Jay? Sorry guys, but we're leaving." Rythian said, knocking on the door. I picked up my luggage, gritting my teeth at the weight of it. I should have left out a couple of things, but I always overpack anyway. So I went out of my room, and Jay hugged me before she left. She had a ton of homework she owed the Written Communications professor, so she left to attend to that. I sighed, and Rythian patted my head. 

"Don't worry, it'd only be a week." He said, like I hated the thought of leaving. But honestly, I didn't mind very much. 

"Don't be silly. I'm looking forward to meeting them!" I said with a giggle, hugging the tank close to me. I had to keep Pepsi warm after all. Rythian heaved a sigh of relief. 

"That's good." He said, and so off we went, with luggage stuffed into the trunk of the car, and we drove off in the direction of the airport.  

*** *** *** 

So even if you're broken up inside, 

You gotta stand and fight 

'Cause it's the only heart that you've got and you might've forgotten 

That a life shines brightly, 

That's what makes it life! 

*** *** *** 

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