Record Shop Adventure

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It was Saturday morning. A lazy, slightly hazy Saturday morning. It was freezing outside, and yet I was outside. I am out here, holding a cup of Starbucks hot tea to keep my fingers from falling off. I growled. Usually, on one of these freezing weekends, I'd be hiding in the nice, warm office playing Bioshock on Rythian's PC. But not today. Stupid Jay. Stupid crush. I can't believe I agreed to this. She called me yesterday asking if I wanted to hang out, and I agreed. If only I paid more attention to weather stations. I sighed again, silently admiring the cloud of breath I created. So I breathed again, slightly fascinated. But upon remembering that it was my breath, I got slightly grossed out and stopped exhaling through my mouth. And then a familiar midnight blue Motorcycle sped towards me, and screeched into a halt in front of my surprised self. And the rider smirked.

"Surprised, Kyo?"

"Not in the slightest." I said sarcastically. She nearly gave me a heart attack. Jay laughed, throwing me her spare helmet. I chuckled.


"The color scheme." I said, putting it on and climbing onto the backseat. "It's like Deapool."

"Okay, Marvel Girl."

"If I'm not wrong, Marvel Girl was an actual character."

"Whatever." She laughed as I wrapped my arms around her waist as she took off at an alarming speed.

"Slow down godammit!"

*** *** ***

It's been awhile since I've felt butterflies.

Do you feel the same way too?

If every single second could last that much longer.

Would you hold me?

*** *** ***

"Are you okay?" Jay asked through gasps from laughing. I wanted to throw up.

"I hate you to the max." I coughed. Jay laughed again.

"Love you too." She joked, but she might not have realised how it made me blush a little, even though I knew it was a joke. I breathed into my hands to cool down. We've stopped in front of an eccentric little shop and Jay smiled.

"You're gonna like this place." She said, pushing the elegantly-designed door open. And I realised for the first time what it was.

It was a record shop. Like, one of those shops where you can browse and rent Records to listen to while sipping tea and eating cake. I just stood there, eyes wide open in surprise and amazement. Jay was right, I was going to like it. I already did.

"I know one of the café dudes."

"I'm the shop attendant!" A tall, lanky man with red-rimmed glasses interrupted in a thick Swedish accent, stepping in front of Jay. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah. Kyoko, meet Adam. My idiot older brother."

"Not very nice of you to call your brother an idiot."

"Shut up." She laughed, and Adam ruffled his dark blue hair with a nervous chuckle. I suspected that Jay's entire family had a thing for Midnight blue. Jay painted her nails that shade of blue, her motorcycle was that same shade - Only it looked a bit more... Electric. I know the shade was midnight blue but something made it pop - Adam had blue hair and earrings. I'm calling Family Trademark. Wonder if he brother had a midnight blue car. That'd be a whole set.

"My shift's just started. Wait, that's why you came, wasn't it. To mock me until I got off."

"No, I'm not that cruel. Just wanted to bring the Kyoko here." She said, pointing at me.

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