Landed In Bristol

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A/N : After being on Haitus for so long (I'm sorry), I'M BACK! Kind of. School's starting soon so I may or may not be able to post as often, especially since it's a seriously important year this year. Like, 2015. It's important ok. But yeah. Enjoy this chapter!

-Alex OUT-

"Good afternoon passengers this is your Captain speaking. We are about to begin our decent into Bristol in about fifteen minutes. Please ensure your tray has been put up and your seatbelts are fastened. Thank you for flying with us." Said an oddly mechanical voice. I've always suspected that these 'Flight announcements' from the pilot were pre-recorded. Maybe they were. Rythian woke up and stretched.

"Fancy interrupting my sleep like that. How are you? Did you sleep or did you spend the entire time watching plane movies?" He asked groggily, and I smiled, shaking my head.

"I slept." I answered shortly. My thoughts before sleeping would remain in my own mind, where I wanted to keep them. Rythian just chuckled. I sighed, as the Seatbelt light went on. I sighed again and buckled my seatbelt. I could almost feel us decending, going down, almost meeting the ground. I sighed again. I kept sighing, and then when I sighed again I had to pass it off as a yawn so that Rythian wouldn't notice.

Ten more minutes to landing.

"You okay?" Rythian asked, and I shrugged. So he noticed the excessive amount of sighing.

"Totally. I just haven't flown in a long time." I replied honestly, even though that wasn't the reason. It would never be the reason for how I look today, I was a mess deep inside. And yet I know, that today was going to be a good day. I'm supposed to be happy today, and that's enough. Today, I'm going to put all my fears and my ghosts behind, and smile for the people Rythian was going to introduce me to. The Yogscast, the people he called his friends, his colleagues. He assured me that they were nice, and I trust him. I watched some videos, I met them on Skype. I'm about to meet them in real life, and I'm going to smile for them, to be happy for them. I am going to smile. I am going to be happy.

I trust him. I trust Rythian.

With a slight lurch and a bump, I could feel the plane touching the ground. We've landed, safe and sound. I'm going to be fine. I will be fine. I know it deep in my bones. The announcement that we had arrived at Bristol came on, reminders to take our belongings with us, and yet another thanks for choosing their flight. I stretched, unbuckled, and reached into the compartment above to grab my Sipsco backpack. When I realised I was too short, Rythian grabbed it for me.

"Thanks." I said with a smile, a smile that still felt foreign on my lips, my cheekbones, my face. It felt foreign, but I didn't mind. I want to smile again, so I will always walk on.

After we got our luggages, we walked towards the opening, where there were a lot of people waiting for their friends or loved ones. I started to take notice of the people around, tubby little children, tall men in businesslike clothing, some tourists - They aren't too hard to spot, with cameras around their necks - and people carrying huge signs with names or company brand names on them. Or banners. I scanned for any familiar faces amongst the crowd, of which I found none. Rythian just walked on as though he knew exactly where we should go, like they were waiting for us somewhere in this sea of people. I followed behind him, my hands freezing, the suitcase threatening to rip off my fingers. And then I heard a name.

"Rythian!" Came the voice of a man, but it was rather high-pitched. I recognised it. It was from Simon. He was waving, grinning. I swallowed, and took in a deep breath. Meeting new people was still strange, I supposed. But then I looked up at him, and smiled with the confidence I didn't know I had. Rythian made his way to Simon, and I noticed a group of other people around him. I recognised Duncan and Kim, but there were a few others I didn't recognise. Serves me right for only watching their Minecraft videos. I have no idea who is who. But Rythian waved too, so I suppose that I should as well, so I rose a slightly shaking hand to wave.

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