"Was I Interrupting?"

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Rythian has shitty timing.

"Hey, girls I made- Oh." He opened the door, and then he saw us cuddling. Jay glared daggers at him. Rythian took a step back slowly, starting to close the door. "Sorry, was I interrupting?"

Did I mention he had shitty timing.

How does one have timing that terrible? I can't comprehend this, even now. We were having a moment, and Rythian waltzed in like nobody's business. But I guess that saved us the trouble of telling him, if I put that into perspective. Yeah, right.

"A little." I said, and Jay held me closer. I think she sensed that I was about to move away from her, since we just got caught. I just stayed there with a smile. Rythian just shrugged.

"Made sandwiches. They're in the microwave if you want any. And lock the door!"

"We weren't going to-"

"Have a good night!"

He shut the door without another word, but I swear I heard him snickering outside. Jay laughed.

"Who has sex on the first date, it's pretty dumb isn't it?" She said, and I shrugged. Some people do. That's their problem, I think. I probably wouldn't, and that's okay. At least, I think it is.

"Maybe." I replied, and she squeezed me around the middle with a smile. That made me giggle a bit. "It's getting kind of late, isn't it?"

"It's one a.m. and I'm still not tired. Do you want to go out and eat the sandwiches Ryth made?"

"Oh, hell yes." We clambered out of the bed at the same time, giggling as we raced to the kitchen like a pair of children. Jay's a little like Kenji, I think. She would've gotten along with him just fine. My brother would've loved her, and her beautiful jade blue eyes.

Sometimes they're not blue, though. Sometimes they're green, sometimes midnight blue.

I confuse myself a lot with the colour of her eyes. Because she wears contacts. I know her eyes, in reality, were a little more green than blue. But she liked her midnight blue prescription contact lenses, so she kept them on. She, apparently, had been wearing the same shade of blue contacts since she was a kid. And apparently, she was born with bad eyesight. I actually thought she looked better with her glasses on, but Jay doesn't, so I don't get to see them a lot. When I do, it's like Christmas came early. It sounds really silly, and a little bit cliche and 'Pseudo Nice-Guy' -ish, but I like the natural Jay with no make up on. But I like her with make-up too, because that girl has crazy eyeliner skills. And she's beautiful either way.

Not that it really does matter what she looks like, though. I didn't fall in love with her for her looks alone, after all. I fell in love with her laugh, her smile, and the way she talked. I fell in love with the way she walked, the way she danced, and the way she was always there when I needed her to be. I didn't fall in love with Jay's looks alone. I fell in love with everything she was.

The funny thing is, I don't even think I should be talking about romance or 'Falling In Love' when I'm only seventeen. Maybe I'm too young for all this.

But in all honesty, I think I'm older than my age because of what I've seen. Hell, I've seen and experienced enough for a lifetime. At this point, loving somebody is like an ant to the Empire State Building.

Not saying it isn't a beautiful thing. Ugh, I'm so defensive today.

We sat on the counter, eating, talking and laughing. She was telling me about her life, about how she and her brother got along, about how her dad and her mom were like before the divorce. Jay was still smiling though, even as she talked about the things that hurt her before and still hurt.

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