Moenie and Kitchi

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"Step one, light me on fire." Jay was playing her guitar in the record shop, and I sat and listened, smiling. I always loved listening to her play.

"Step two, walk clean away...

I won't burn long, and evidence of your done wrong will be gone.

In seconds, I swear."

Adam was cleaning the glasses, arranging them precisely and listening to her with a smile. He looked back at me, his eyes shining with admiration for her guitar skills. Truly, it was brilliant.

"Her voice is beautiful, isn't it?" He said quietly, and I nodded with a wide grin, because I agreed. She was still singing, and still playing, so he kept listening. Today was a slow day for business, and a short day for our classes because one of them got cancelled.

(The lecturer was hungover, apparently.)

"But if you've got time anyway,

Why not watch me hurt?

And nothing is sweeter

Than needed revenge

Oh that's right.

I did nothing, and you are the mean one

In fact, you even broke my good tape deck.

In fact, I don't wanna be friends."

She ended it there, even though there was more to the song. I clapped, because I felt like I should. Jay grinned, and put the guitar down next to her. Adam smiled. Then he turned around to put a cup back to where it was.

"Was that song dedicated to that guy... What's his face, ah, Christopher?" He asked. Even though his back was turned, I sensed that he wasn't smiling anymore. Jay shrugged and sighed. "Sorry, you sounded angry while singing."

"Maybe. I don't know. He's kind of a thing I'd rather ignore, at this point. I hate thinking about sad things." She said with a very quiet, low growl. As if she was warning him not to continue. But he did anyway.

"He came in here last week."

That was, apparently, cue for Jay to stand up. She stood up so fast and so suddenly, three things happened at once. She knocked over her cup of tea, she shocked me, and her guitar fell over. I caught it by the neck before it hit the ground. Adam didn't flinch. He just turned back around and cleared the cup. And mopped up the tea.

"Are you freaking serious?"

"Wish I wasn't. He told me he was going to be back this week, but I haven't seen him around at all. That's why I asked you about him. In case it was today." He said this slowly, as he poured her a fresh cup of tea. I was starting to realise that this wasn't something I had anything to with, but it had everything to do with Jay. Unsure of what to say, I drank more tea and listened.

"No way in hell..." She sat back down, slouching over, as if trying to seem smaller. I put my hand over hers, trying to make her feel better. She was quiet for a long while, I knew she was upset, and maybe a little scared. Facing the ghosts from your past has never been an easy feat and probably never will be. But she calmed down, her breathing returned to normal. Then she looked up with a sigh.

"I'm just gonna go outside and burn a little bit." She said, hopping off the seat. She had already taken out the box of cigarettes and her zippo. Adam wasn't looking at her at all.

"I hate it when she smokes." He muttered. I looked up at him and dead in the eye.

"So does she." I replied, and from the way he turned around to avoid looking at me, I knew he got the message.

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