Jade Blue Eyes

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So... Minecraft huh. Everyone decided then that it would be a good idea to quit on their recording to teach me how to play Minecraft Yogscast Modpack-style. But I more or less decided to hang in there on my own, and so I ended up burrowing underground even though they said it was a bad idea to dig straight down. But it is in fact the way to burrow, not dig.

So just like that, I met the Yogscast all at once. Not in real life that is. But I finally met them online. I wonder when Joa- Rythian is planning to visit them in Bristol. Maybe it'd really be next month. Or perhaps after all the damn filmimg is over. I wish I never agreed to it. After I agreed I instantly regretted it. Thankfully it's a taster. Maybe nobody would be interested and I won't be on TV or something. That'd be both a relief and also a crushing blow to my ego. I'd decide which it would be when we're done.

How ironic.

I felt suffocated in the claustrophobic room, even though Rythian was with me. It felt like an interrogation room. Maybe it was. But the funny thing was, it was the living room, wide open without walls. Maybe the walls were in invisible. The camera crew were mostly men, but the director was a lady by my request. I was dressed comfortably in my black hoodie that said "Enderborn" on the back. Rythian got it for me. The interviewer was a lady too, making me feel more comfortable. I hugged Rythian one more time, and then he left. But he was standing behind one of the lights, in between the two camera operators. I think it was a safety precaution on his part, but more for my comfort than actual safety. I breathed.

"Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Shannon Blake, how are you?" She asked, as she shook my trembling hand. I paused. What am I to answer? I knew the camera was already rolling, the red light was on. If they were trying to be discreet, they should have put some tape over it.

"Well," I began, unsure of what to say. "I could be very much worse."

Yeah, real smooth Kyoko.

"Oh? How so?" She asked, and I allowed myself a slight smirk.

"I could still be in that court hall fighting for justice." I replied, and she nodded with a smile.

"That's a point. So I hear that you have applied for College? Might I ask why?"

I paused. Was this the time to lie? To use my "Get-out-of-a-question-free" card?

No Kyoko, you wanted to do this. You are doing this. Pull yourself together Kyo.

"I studied really hard when I was still Ivan's." I began slowly, trying hard not to cry or let the memories return. "So that I could apply. But Ryth- Joakim adopted me before then. Then I decided to apply anyway, just so that I'd have something to do in the meantime. I would rather not waste the two years I managed to skip. Oh, and as a matter of fact, I recieved a reply from them last Sunday!" I recounted happily, relating how I felt when I recieved the letter statingn that I somehow managed to get into one of the best Universities in the area. Elation, jubilation. I could go on. I start tomorrow, I already got the books I needed. It wasn't as bad as I thought.

"So how are you with Joakim?"

"Great! He's been really nice to me, he's an awesome dad. My life has improved. He even let me Skype with a ton of his friends, and we play a ton of games together now."

"Friends from...?"

"They're from Bristol, and he basically works with them."

"What does he do?"

"He gets paid to make YouTube videos, if that's what you're asking."

Well. This is going to take a while to explain.

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