For The Win

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Ivan Killinchy pleaded guilty for three years of sexual abuse, rape, child abuse, harassment and one count of attempted murder - I spoke of the one time he hung a noose over the ceiling and threatened to hang me there. Honestly, it took a lot of talking to get him not to kill me. I was prepared for the publicity I received, but I would remain anonymous. It was far too much for me to handle. The news people came out and started snapping pictures of me, but I had a hoodie, a surgical mask and a pair of shades, I feared nothing.

"You did so well Kyoko! I'm proud of you!" Zoey was practically squealing over the computer. Fiona was with her, holding Zoey closely, and I felt a bit of jealousy. I was envious of their relationship. I wondered if I would ever find love, a clumsy, awkward, shameful person like me. Plus I was a rape victim, would everyone think it was my fault, that I had somehow asked for it from my ex-adoptive father? It sent shudders down my spine just thinking of it. Rythian was hugging me the whole time, never letting go. I think he was more relieved that I was, which said a lot. Rythian was the one panicking a heck lot, and when Ivan pleaded guilty all of a sudden, I think he could have jumped up and done a jig.

"You were fantastic. Your video speech shook everyone in the court. Trust me, if I could take a picture of Ivan's lawyer's face, I would. He was just standing there in shock, unsure of what to say. You were fantastic." Rythian said, hugging me. He brought me out to have some awesome food at a restaurant to celebrate. We had a toast with Pepsi, I meant the drink, not my pet. He even let me buy some fancy tank accessories for Pepsi the Snake, and we had a lot of fun arranging his home. And the snake himself seemed happier than usual. He wrapped his cute little body around my arm and let me walk around wearing him like one huge bracelet. He didn't even let go.

When the newspapers came out, Rythian brought in a pile of them.

"Okay so a bunch of people at the newstands recognised me as your adoptive parent and give me all these for free. You reckon you want to read them?" I read a headline that said "16-year-old girl adopted by 31-year-old man, brutally raped for 3 years" and another that said "16-year-old rape victim's shocking video speech shook jury" and yet another that wasn't a headline, but a phrase that caught my eye "The sixteen-year-old however, stated that she forgave the man. It is highly speculated that this made Ivan Killinchy confess to his crimes".

"I think I know what's going to be in there." I said, and Rythian shrugged.

"Okay. Then what are we going to do with all these?"

"Burn them?"

"I think we aren't that cold." And suddenly, we both found ourselves laughing a little too hard. Upon Skyping Zoey and Fiona, we had a great time talking. Zoey said that she couldn't wait to play Minecraft with me, which was pretty awesome. I had started borrowing Rythian's laptop to play Minecraft as his character in a Single player world, so I reckon I would be getting into actually having an account for myself. Rythian already agreed to it after all.

My life was changing faster than ever before. And honestly, humans don't typically like change. Humans prefer to stay closer to familiarity. And I, a human, was afraid of change. I am afraid of the huge changes, I am afraid to trust Rythian out of fear that he would turn around and betray me. But I have a good feeling about this guy. And I hope he would never prove that good feeling wrong.

Today, I was supposed to meet two of the other Yogscast members. Duncan and Kim I think. But I was barely feeling up to it. As the Skype call started, I had to try to keep a smile. The stress of the previous day's event was getting to me. Then I found myself staring into the faces of two kindly-looking people.

"Hello!" Said Duncan, and Kim waved with a laugh. I smiled, waving back in response.

"So guys, meet my adoptive daughter Kyoko."

Cursed - Adopted By YogscastWhere stories live. Discover now