Chapter 4

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Shortly after the movie was done, the boys and Tahlia left leaving me and Niall alone. We had decided that we would let Darcy spend the night at mum's place and we would pick her up in the morning.

"Just four more months," Niall said and grinned as he placed a kiss on my baby bump. "Can't wait for him or her to arrive,"

"I can't wait either," I replied. "I'm just sad you won't be here the first months," I said, and watched Niall's face turn guilty.

"I'm sorry I'm not gonna be here, I really am," He said, grabbing my hand.

"It's not your fault," I said. "This tour is important for your career, and it's something you have to do,"

"I'm gonna miss you so much," He said and wrapped his strong arms around me. "And I mean it when I say I'm gonna do anything to be here when you go into labor, okay?"

"Thank you, Niall," I said and closed my eyes and lied my head down on his chest. "I love you,"

"I love you too," He replied and kissed my forehead before I slowly fell asleep in his arms.


My eyes fluttered open to see a sleeping irish-man lying next to me. I looked around to see we were in the living room, where I remember falling asleep last night.

"Niall, wake up," I said and poked his cheek, causing him to move a little, but not wake up."Niall," I said again, and this time he opened his eyes. "Good morning," I said and grinned at him.

"Good morning, beautiful," He replied and kissed my cheek. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did," I replied and smiled. "What about you?"

"I slept great," He replied and pulled me back into his arms. "I wish we could just stay like this forever,"

"Me too," I said.

"Sad we can't. We have to pick up Darcy from your mum's," He said and stood up from the couch. "Come on, let's go," He said and grabbed my hand to help me up.

"Can I at least go change first? I'm dressed in sweats,"

"You look great, Amy, don't worry," He said and dragged me towards the door. "I'm wearing sweats too, and there's no one that's gonna arrest us for wearing comfy clothes,"

"Fine," I replied and followed him outside. We got into Niall's car and started the engine before driving to my mum's house.

"How do you think it's gonna be taking two kids on the same time while I'm away?" He asked as we were driving. "With a newborn in the house it could get hard, you know,"

"I'm gonna be fine," I replied. "Darcy is such a mature girl and can probably entertain herself for a couple hours, and I also have Tahlia to help me if it gets hard,"

"That's good," He replied. "I just wanted to make sure you were gonna be fine,"

"Don't worry about it. We'll be fine," I assured him as we pulled up to mum's driveway. We got out of the car and walked up to the doorstep and knocked on the door.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Darcy exclaimed as mum and her opened the door. She gave both of us a hug before Niall picked her up and sat her on his shoulders.

"Has she been a good girl?" I asked mum.

"Yes, she has. She's actually been helping me clean the house," Mum replied.

"I got to be in uncle Taylor's room!" Darcy said. "He had clothes everywhere and we couldn't see the floor," She added, causing Niall and I to chuckle.

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now