Chapter 26

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A M Y *1 MONTH LATER* yes, time skip again. deal with it -.-

"One Direction fans are still in shock by Niall Horan's confession at a press conference last night in Los Angeles, he's expecting another baby with current girlfriend Molly Thomas. Later that night, they were spotted leaving the hospital with a picture we assume is their ultrasound picture in Molly's arm. What do you think about the two of them having a baby together? Do you support it, or do you think Niall should get back together with ex-wife, Amy Shay? I'm Anna Philips, and I'm reporting for E! News."

When the report was over, I turned of the telly. It killed me knowing that they were having a baby together, and now that I was back in my old flat in Mullingar, they could actually have a real relationship together. 

But, when she said the word ex-wife, it reminded me of the papers I needed to send Niall. 

I had already filled out my parts of it, so I just needed Niall to sign it to confirm that we were officially broken up. But that wasn't even the hard bit. The next stage was who was gonna get custody of the children. 

Of course, Niall's expecting another baby with Molly, but I really do hope he still wants to be with the kids he already has. The last thing I want is Jaxon to grow up without his father, just like Darcy had to. 

My thoughts were broken by the doorbell ringing. 

"Who is it?" Darcy, who was playing with Jaxon on his play mat, asked. 

"I don't know yet." I answered her. 

I headed over to the door and opened it to reveal Niall's brother, Greg, standing there with his Theo in his arms. 

"Oh, hi, Greg." I said and smiled at him. "Come in."

"Thanks." He said as he walked in. "Theo, you can go play with your cousins over there." He told Theo who nodded. 

"He's getting older." I said and smiled at Theo. 

"I know.. He just turned two." Greg said. "Anyways, that's not the reason I came."

"Does it have something to do with Niall?" I asked, and he nodded. "Of course it is.."

"Listen, I know what he did was wrong." Greg said. "I'm still pissed at him, but he really forced me into doing this.. He wanted to come and talk to you himself, but he was too afraid what you would say if he showed up at your doorstep." He said. "Anyways, he wants you to know that he's sorry. He never meant for any of this to happen, and he told me that he doesn't even want this baby! The only kids he wants are Darcy and Jaxon, and the only girl he wants is you."

"It doesn't matter! I told him that the problem isn't the baby and he knows that." I said. "The problem is that he actually slept with her.." I said, looking down in my lap. "But what if he wants to spend more time with the new baby and forgets about Darcy and Jaxon? I don't want them to lose their dad.."

"He'll never forget about them, Amy!" Greg assured me. "He loves them, and he loves you too. If you just give him the chance to explain, you two can make it work. I know you can."

"No, we can't make it work anymore." I said. "Last time he cheated on me he promised me he would never do it again, but he broke the promise. How the hell am I supposed to trust him now? He's messed up way too many times, and I'm done giving him new chances."

"I know it's hard for you, but just admit that you're still in love with him."

"Greg, please don't make me do this.. I'm trying to get over him, and this really isn't working." I said. 

"Just think about it, okay?" 

"Fine.." I said and sighed. 


holy crap this was short.. im having a bit writers block so some chapters from now on may be short and crappy (sorry)

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now