Chapter 31

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A M Y | next morning

I fluttered my eyes open and rolled over, coming face to face with a sleeping blonde Irishman. His messy hair was all over his forehead, and he was softly snoring.

One part of me was still bothered that he slept with Molly, but the other part was just telling me to be happy with Niall and forget the past.

"Niall, you need to wake up if you're gonna catch the plane." I said, slightly shaking his arm.

"Five more minutes.." He muttered, wrapping his arm around my waist. 

"Niall.." I sighed. "Come on, you're gonna miss the plane."

"What plane?" He asked as he sat up in the bed, a smirk planted on his face. "You mean the one I'm not going on anyways?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, clearly confused. 

"Last night after you fell asleep, I may or may not have called Simon and ask him to put on the tour on hold for a while." He said, grinning. "I just didn't want too miss out on anything during Jaxon's time growing up and Darcy's birthday is coming up soon."

"Don't forget your own birthday." I said. 

"Yeah, that too." He replied. "Now if you excuse me, I have something to explain to the fans. I'll just have to sit down and write a twitlonger or something." He said as he got out of the bed, only wearing a pair of sweatpants.

"Would you mind getting the kids out of the bed on the way? I've been doing it for the past month now, so it's your turn." I asked him. 

"Sure thing." 


I put on a plain white T-Shirt before heading out of the room. I first entered Darcy's room, seeing her peacefully sleeping.

I sat down on the side of her bed and shook her shoulder. "Darce, it's time to wake up." 

She fluttered her eyes open and looked up at me. She smiled at me, but that smile soon turned to a frown. 

"Daddy, don't go.." She said, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck. 

"Don't worry, princess, I'm not going anywhere." I said. "The tour is on hold, meaning I'll be staying home with you, mummy and baby Jaxon."

"Really?" She asked, smiling again. I gave her a nod as a reply. 

"Now, you go downstairs and I'll just go and get your brother out of bed, okay?" I said and she nodded, getting out of her bed and running downstairs wearing only her pajamas.

I smiled to myself before heading out her room and into Jaxon's room. I turned on the lights and walked over to his crib. 

"Wakey wakey, Jaxon." I said, picking him up. 

He opened his eyes and yawned as I was carrying him out of the room. I took him with me downstairs to the kitchen where Darcy already was sitting. 

Since Jaxon was now old enough to hold his own head up, I sat him down in the high chair.

"Darce, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked her as I pulled out Jaxon's bottle. 

"Cereal!" She replied. 

I put Jaxon's bottle of milk in the microwave before pouring Darcy a bowl of cereal. I put a spoon in it and gave it to her as the microwave beeped, signalizing Jaxon's milk bottle was warm. 

I tested it on my skin like Amy always does before giving it to Jaxon. He started drinking from the bottle as I sat down on the opposite side of the table from Darcy. 

While the kids were eating their breakfast and Amy was still upstairs in bed, I decided to write the twit longer and explain to the fans exactly what was going on. I unlocked my phone and began typing.

For everyone waiting for an explanation as to why the tour has been put on hold, here it is: 

First of all, I would like to tell you all that Molly and I never were together. It was all a stunt to let the world know that I still haven't settled down, but that was all fake. I have already settled down with my beautiful wife and right now I'm back in Mullingar with her and the kids. 

Also, the baby Molly is pregnant with, is not mine. The only kids I have is Darcy and Jaxon, and I'm happy with that. 

But, the main reason the tour is on hold is because after all this drama, I just want to be at home and spend some time with Amy and our kids. I don't want them to grow up without me being around, so our management has agreed to let us take a few months vacation. 

Sorry to all fans who now have to wait longer for their shows, but you have no idea how important it is to me to see my newborn son grow up, Darcy as well. Those two kids mean the world to me, and I don't want to miss out on anything in their life anymore. 

Hope you all understand! x

I tweeted the link to the twitlonger before locking my phone. 

"Good morning, mummy!" Darcy exclaimed, and I turned around to see Amy walking into the kitchen. 

"Morning, sweet pea." She replied, sitting down next to me. 

"I've tweeted and explained the fans the situation we're in right now." I told her. "Is that enough to make you forgive me?"

"I already forgave you yesterday, stupid." She said and smiled, leaning her head on my shoulder. 

"Mummy and daddy love each other again?" Darcy asked with a bright smile across her face as she took another spoonful of her cereal.

I looked over at Amy, leaning in to give her a kiss. We both smiled into the kiss before breaking it off, remembering there were kids in the room. 

"Is that a yes?" Darcy asked as Jaxon was grinning at us.

"It's a big yes." I replied, giving Amy another peck. "One of the biggest yeses I've ever said." 


well, that's kind of the end.. but there will be an epilogue soon!! maybe i'll post it tonight, but im not sure. it's either today or tomorrow :)) 

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now