Chapter 9

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As I was cleaning up after dinner, I heard my phone going off. I picked it up from the kitchen counter and read the caller ID, which said Harry.

"Harry?" I said as I answered the call.

"Amy, hey," He said. "Listen, I need your help,"

"With what?" I asked as I sat down on a chair next to the table. 

"So, if I know Tahlia the way I think I do, she'll arrive at your house in just a couple minutes, but please just listen to me before you get mad at me," He said. 

"Why should I be mad at you?" I asked.

"Because, last night, I went to a party," He replied. "While I was there, I met this girl called Sierra, and me being the dick that I am, got her number,"

"What's so wrong about that? You just got a girl's number," 

"You haven't heard the whole story yet," He said. "So, later that night, we both got drunk and I, um, brought her to my flat. Then, I slept with her,"

"You did what?!" I yelled. "Harry, how could you do that? Does Tahlia know?"

"Yeah, she does," He replied. "I left my phone downstairs when I went upstairs, and Tahlia saw a text Sierra sent me, and now I ruined my chances with her,"

"Listen, Harry, I could talk with her about this, but I can't promise I'll make her forgive you," I said. "You knew she liked you, and then you go out and do this?"

"I know, I'm a fuck up, and I'm really sorry for what I did, okay?" He said. "Just please talk to her and tell her that I'm sorry and that I just want a chance to clear things up.. Today was actually the day I was gonna tell her what I feel about her,""

"Okay, I'll talk to her," I replied. "Bye," I said before hanging up on the phone and putting it back on the counter.

I continued cleaning the kitchen until the doorbell rang not long after.

"I'll open!" I called out and headed over to the front door. I passed Niall and Darcy in the living room, and they were obviously confused as to who was coming.

I opened the door to reveal Tahlia standing there with a few tears on her cheeks.

"Hey.." I sighed and pulled her in for a hug. "I heard what happened,"

"How?" She asked as I closed the door behind her. Niall could see her crying, but he was being smart enough not to ask any questions.

"Harry called me," I replied. "Niall, we'll just go upstairs," I told him and he nodded as he continued watching Cinderella with Darcy.

"He did?" Tahlia asked as we were walking up the stairs and I nodded.

"Yeah, he did," I replied. We walked into Niall and I's bedroom and sat down on the edge of our bed. "He told me to tell you that he's sorry and that he just wants a chance to clear things up with you. I understand if you don't want, 'cause I would be pretty mad at him, but just hear him out, okay?"

"What's the point?" She said. "He's changed, Amy, he really has.. He used to be so sweet and charming, but now he goes to parties, makes out with girls and even hooks up with them. Who wants to be with a guy like that?"

"You're getting it all wrong, Tahlia," I said. "He's still a sweet charming boy, but you're just seeing the bad side of him. Yes, he did a mistake, but you just need to make him promise that he won't do it again,"

"I can't trust him, Amy, I just can't," She said. "If hooking up with different girls every night is what he likes doing, then just let him do it,"

"Tahlia.." I sighed. "He's not like that,"

"You know, maybe I should just stay with Jason," She said. "Jason changed to the better after our little break up, but Harry changed to the worse, so Jason is obviously the one I should pick,"

"Just let him explain," I said. "He's extremely sorry for what happened, he really is! You don't need to forgive him, just give him a chance to tell you everything he wants to say,"

"I, uhm.. Fine," She sighed. "But if he's gonna go act like a douche, then you have to admit that I was right, and you were wrong,"

"Okay, but if you end up forgiving him, then you have to admit that I was right," I replied.

"Okay, deal," She said. "I'll see you later," She said before heading out of the room. I heard the door close downstairs, so I walked downstairs to Niall and Darcy.

"What was all that about?" He asked.

"Harry was about to tell Tahlia about his feelings for her when she found out she slept with a girl last night," I replied. "She's gonna go let him explain now, though, so I just hope they'll come to an agreement," 

"Yeah, me too," Niall said. "I really don't want to be on tour with a grumpy Harry. You should've seen him after their first break up. He was devastated,"

"Well, if I know Harry right, he'll find a way to make her forgive him," I said, and Niall nodded in agreement. "Look, I think Darcy's fallen asleep,"

"Yeah, I think you're right,"


this was really short, but i think the next chapter will be longer!! btw, next chapter i'll be skipping some days, so it's the day before niall's tour starts :(

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now