Chapter 15

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A M Y *2 WEEKS LATER* | very short pov

It's been two weeks since Niall and I's fight, and we haven't spoken since. Last week, he tried calling me every single day, but I never returned any of them.

The other boys have also been calling me, but I've never answered any of theirs either. The only people I've been talking to these past two weeks is Darcy, Tahlia, Mum and my brothers. I haven't been talking to Garreth either, but only because I didn't want any more trouble with Niall than I already had. I knew that I would have to talk to Niall sometime because of our baby, so any more trouble was the last thing I wanted.

I also went to the ultrasound last week, and Darcy was so excited to finally see the face of her younger sibling, so we got the picture printed out, but I didn't send it to Niall. If he's doubting that this is his child, then why does he need the picture?


"No, I'm not doing this," I told Simon. "I have already fucked up enough, and I don't want to make things worse,"

"I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice," He said. "You have lost some of your fans because of your daughter, so we need to show them that you're still avilable, and haven't completely settled down yet,"

"But she's my wife!" I nearly shouted. "I can't just leave her, can I? What is she gonna think of me? What is my daughter gonna think of me?"

"Well, I guess you will find out when you make it official tomorrow night at the Tonight Show," He replied, and I sighed. "Your new girlfriend is out in the hallway,"

"Fine," I muttered and walked out of the room. A tall, blonde girl stood in the hallway waiting for me, and she was tapping away on her phone. 

"Hi, I'm Molly," She said when she noticed me. "Listen, I know you're upset because of this, so trust me, I'm not actually interested in you. I'm not gonna try and ruin anything for you and your wife,"

"I believe that's too late," I said. "I got mad at her a couple weeks ago when I thought she cheated on me, and I started doubting that she was actually pregnant with my child, and now everything's just gonna be even more fucked up,"

"Wait a second.. So you started doubting that the child was yours?" She asked and I nodded. "You know, you've got yourself in some deep shit,"

"Don't you think I already know that?" I replied. "She's gonna be even more pissed now that I have a new 'girlfriend'," 

"Well, have you tried calling her?"

"Yes, but she won't answer," I replied. "It's just, I always seem to fuck everything up in our relationship, and I'm just afraid that one time, I'll lose her forever.. That she won't forgive me, and that our kids will have to live with divorced parents, and I don't want that.." 

"You see, if she won't answer your calls, then the only option left is to talk with her in person," She said. "Of course, that is gonna be hard for you considering you're on a world tour, but whenever you get time, go to see her,"

"Okay, I will," I replied. "Thank you, Molly. You really helped me out. Now I just hope that I'll get some time off before the baby is born, because I don't want him or her to be born while we're still fighting," 

"Talk with your management about it, then," She said. "Tell them it's an emergency and that you need to get home as soon as possible," 

"I'll try, but those people are hard to convince," I replied. "But I'll do my best. I just hope she won't ever see that interview tomorrow,"

"Yeah, it can be easier to explain it to her if she doesn't see it," She agreed with me. "It may come on the news, though,"

"Crap, that's right," I replied. "Let's just pray she's gonna be hanging out with her best friend tomorrow and won't be watching TV,"

"Yeah, let's hope," She replied. "And remember, if she doesn't believe you when you try to explain, give me a call, okay? I can help you out,"

"Okay, thanks," I replied as she handed me a note with her number on. "Well, I'm gonna go and try calling her one more time just to see if she answers, because I'm starting to get desperate here,"


"So, how did the meeting go?" Louis asked as I walked into the room after trying to call Amy, but she didn't answer. 

"Let's just say that by tomorrow night, I may already be divorced," I replied and sat down. "They're making me break up with her and have another girlfriend just to show the fans that I'm still 'available'," 

"Man, that sucks," Liam said. "Does Amy know yet?"

"No, she doesn't," I replied. "But I'm gonna try to get maybe a week off as soon as possible so I can explain it all to her. I've already fucked up enough,"

"Who is this girl you're gonna be dating anyway?" Zayn asked. 

"Her name is Molly," I replied. "I spoke to her just a couple minutes ago, and she actually helped me trying to figure out how to explain this to Amy,"

"She did?" Harry asked. "I was so sure she was gonna be one of these girls that just wanted to ruin for you.."

"I actually thought so too, but she assured me that she wasn't interested in ruining for me and Amy," I replied. "But now I'm scared what Darcy will think of me.. I'm supposed to be a role model, but I've hurt her mother too many times now, and I'm afraid she's gonna hate me for it,"

"She's not gonna hate you," Zayn said. "You just need to assure her that you love her mother and that you never do any of this on purpose." Then, his face turned serous. "You don't do this on purpose, right?"

"Of course I don't!" I replied. "I'm just scared to the wrong things, that I end up doing them.. I'm such a fuck up, and I just hope Amy will understand when I explain it to her.."


maybe my last update today, but idk

i'll probably update again ha !

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now