Chapter 16

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I could feel the tears streaming as I heard him say the words. He was smiling as he talked about her, making me cry even harder.

He avoided questions about me, Darcy and the baby, and it hurt. It really did hurt knowing that he got a new girlfriend, and all hope of having our baby grow up with married parents were gone.

*2 months and 2 weeks later* yes its a lot time skip but this is MY story, not yours -.-

"So, Darcy.. Only 1 month until your little sibling is born," I told her as I sat down next to her. "Are you excited about it?"

"Yes," She replied and smiled at me.

I told Darcy about Niall and his new girlfriend the same day I found out about it. She was very upset at first, but she somehow got over it. She barely mentions him anymore, and that sort of scares and upsets me. I never wanted her to forget about her dad.

When it comes to Taylor, he was let out of the hospital a month ago, but he has to go there every week to get a few checks on him. His cancer hasn't changed anything yet, but the doctors are afraid it's gonna get worse.

And about Garreth, we've only been talking through texts every now and then. He knows I'm upset after all this drama with Niall and his new girlfriend. 

He tried calling me again the day I found out about him and Molly, but he never tried again since, so ever since then, Tahlia's been visiting me almost every day to make sure I'm alright. 

And about Tahlia, there's not much to say except that she didn't forgive Harry. He told her all of his feelings, but she said she wanted to take it slow and he seemed to respect that.

"What happens if daddy doesn't come home?" Darcy asked. 

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"If he never comes home again after his tour, what's gonna happen then?" She asked. "Is he gonna forget me?"

"Listen, he's got a new girlfriend, you know, so he won't be living with us anymore," I replied. "But he won't ever forget you, angel,"

"Okay," She replied. "What about the baby, then? Will he ever come and see it?"

"I.. I honestly don't know," I told her. "But the thing is, I don't think he's coming home when the baby is born,"

"Why?" She asked.

"Well, daddy doesn't think that this is his baby," I replied. "But believe me when I tell you that it is. No matter what your daddy may tell you, this child is his, okay?"

"Okay," She said. "Why would he even say that it isn't his baby?"

"Because he thinks I'm cheating on him with Garreth," I replied and sighed. "That's also not true. Garreth and I are just friends, and besides, he has a girlfriend,"

"Then why does daddy say that it isn't his baby?"

"I don't know, sweetie.. I don't know," 


"Simon, I need to take a break now," I told him over the phone. "The guilt is eating me alive for what I did towards Amy, and I just need a chance to explain it to her.."

"You're on tour, Niall," He replied. "You can't just take breaks whenever you want,"

"Just for 3 days," I said. "I only need 3 days, and then I'll be back, okay? I know I'll be missing a few shows, but I need to do this," 

"Why can't you just call her?" He asked. "You don't need to do this in person,"

"But she's already mad at me and won't pick up the phone!" I said, getting frustrated. "I need to see her before the baby is born, just so I can try and make sure he or she can grow up with his or her parents happily married,"

"Fine, I'll give you 3 days, but that's it," He said. "But make sure you apologize to those fans you're disappointing right now,"

"Okay, I will. Thank you," I said before shooting up from the couch and running out of the room. I ran as fast as I could down the hall and into the waiting room the lads where in. "Someone order a plane ticket for me! I need to pack,"

"Wait, so he gave you permission to leave?" Louis asked.

"Yes!" I replied before running out of the building and into the tour bus. As I ran out, I could hear a faint 'how?' which actually made me chuckle. I must be Simon's favorite. 

I grabbed a small bag before putting just what I needed for 3 days back in London. When I had everything packed, I grabbed my phone and wallet before running out of the bus again. 

"Where are you going?" Molly asked as I ran past her, so I stopped to answer her question. 

"To get my wife back," I replied before continuing to run. I ran into the room where the lads where again. "Did anyone get my ticket?"

"Yeah, your flight leaves in two hours," Harry replied. "Here's the code you need to know to get your ticket printed," He said and handed me a note.

"Thanks, lads," I said. "I'll see you in three days!" And with that, I sprinted back out of the building and took a cab to the airport. 


"Come on.. Come on.." I muttered to myself as I was trying to get off the plane, but the people in front of me couldn't be walking any slower. 

When I finally got off the plane, I started running towards the exit, but that was when I met my biggest nightmare. 

Fans, hundreds of them were screaming my name at the top of their lungs and running towards me and before I knew it, they were surrounding me. 

"Girls, I really need to get home now," I shouted, but it didn't seem like they cared. "Listen, I can't stay here," I tried telling them to let me leave, but they kept screaming and clinging onto me. 

Eventually, a group of security guards came and got the girls away from me. I thanked them before running out of the airport and taking a cab to our house. 

When we arrived at the house, I paid the cab driver before grabbing my bag and getting out of the cab. As the cab drove away, I ran up the driveway as fast as I could.

I opened the front door which was unlocked to my surprise and headed inside, but I didn't see anyone in sight. 

"Amy!" I called out, but I got no reply. "Amy, are you home?" Still no reply. "Darcy, what about you? Are you here?"

As I was looking around the house for any clues on where they could be, my phone went off. I glanced at the caller ID, and I was surprised to see the three letters that spelled 'Amy' flashing on my screen.

"Amy?" I said in a hopeful tone as I picked up the phone. 

"No, this is Tahlia calling from her phone," Tahlia said, and my felt my heart sink. So it wasn't actually Amy calling me?

"Oh.. Well, what's going on?" I asked.

"Okay, so I know you and Amy aren't speaking and you're in Hong Kong and everything, but.. Amy's in labor, a month early,"


no authors note

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now