Chapter 25

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"Hey, Tahlia..." I said as soon as she picked up the phone. "Listen, I need your help." I said, walking into one of the stalls in the public bathroom, a place I hoped Niall wouldn't find me. 

"What's wrong? Is Taylor getting worse?" She asked.

"No, it's not that.. I think Taylor's getting better actually. I'm not sure.." I answered. "But anyways.. Chances are that I might be taking the kids with me and coming back to London."

"What? Why?" She asked. "Don't you like it on tour?"

"Yes, it's been a dream, but.. Niall cheated on me." I said. "His 'girlfriend' Molly is pregnant with his baby, and I found out just today when she called me to inform about an ultrasound. She must have thought I knew about it.. I don't even think Niall was planning on telling me."

"Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry to hear that!" She said. "If I was there right now, I would beat the crap out of him."

"But now I just don't know what to do." I said. "I'm stuck in this public bathroom.. If I go back to the room, Niall's probably there along with the kids and all my stuff..."

"Why don't you just call any of the other boys and have them get your stuff and the kids?" She suggested. 

"Do you really think they would let me leave?" I asked. 

"No, they probably won't.." She replied. "They'll probably force you into speaking with him like they did the last time you two fought really bad."

"Yeah, that's exactly what's gonna happen." I said as I heard footsteps outside the bathroom. "Shush, someone's here."

"Amy, you in there?" I heard Niall's voice call out. "Please tell me if you're in there, 'cause I can't go in! It's the ladies bathroom.."

"Do not answer him." Tahlia whispered. "He needs to know that if he makes another girl pregnant, you're not gonna forgive him."

"Shush!" I said and put my finger to my mouth, even though she couldn't see it. 

"Amy.. I know for a fact that you're in there. Tahlia needs to learn how to whisper properly." He said. "Just please come out and we can talk about this. I really need you to hear me out on this one."

"Tahlia, I need to hang up." I told her. "I'll call you back later."

"Wait, you're not going out to him, are you?"

"I have no choice.. It's either that or stay in this bathroom forever. I'll just pass him without saying a word." I replied. "Have your phone nearby. Bye." I said before hanging up. 

I put the phone back into my pocket before walking out of the stall. I checked myself in the mirror and wiped a few tears before heading out of the bathroom, revealing Niall sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. 

When he saw me, he immediately shot up from the floor, but I ignored him and kept walking. 

"Amy, please hear me out." He said, following me. 

"No. I just want to get away from here as fast as I can." I replied. 

"Please don't leave me, Amy." He said as he followed me into the elevator. "We can make this work. I know we can. Me, you and the kids. I'll talk with Molly and she'll get the custody of the baby while I just chip in with child support."

"The baby isn't the problem, Niall!" I yelled. "The problem is that you fucking cheated on me! You leave for tour promising me that you won't leave me for other girls and then you hook up with someone! How do you think that's supposed to make me feel? You're treating me like crap, Niall! I was hoping that we were done fighting and that we could just have a healthy family with our two beautiful children, but of course you screw up again! What kind of example are you being for the children when you do this? Do you really want Jaxon to grow up ending up like you? And what about Darcy? How do you expect to be in a relationship in the future if she's afraid every other boy is just like you?!"

"I.. I don't know what to say." He said. 

The elevator doors opened and I headed out of them, leaving Niall leaning against the wall. 

I walked down the hall to our room and headed inside to see Louis and Darcy playing with baby Jaxon. 

"Mummy, where's daddy?" Darcy asked. 

"Doesn't matter." I replied. "Now get your shoes on. We're leaving."

"What? You're leaving?" Louis asked as I picked up Jaxon from the floor. 

"Yes, we are." I answered. "He cheated on me for the second time, Louis, and this time it's even worse.. I just can't stay here. The kids and I will be heading home to London while Niall can stay here making sure his pregnant girlfriend is doing okay and that his baby is healthy."

"Amy.." He sighed as I was picking up my bag with one hand since I was carrying Jaxon in the other. "You two can make it work. I know you can. Just don't leave us! We're all gonna miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too, guys, but what's the point in staying when your 'husband' will be busy taking his new girlfriend to ultrasound because of their unborn baby?" I said, and I know it might have sounded rude. 

"Come on.. You've had so many fights already and you always make it work! Remember your last one? That was just about two weeks ago, but you forgave him and look how good it all turned out!" He said. 

"It doesn't even matter, Lou! We're leaving today, and there's nothing you can do about it." I said. "Now, tell Niall that I'll send him the divorce papers when I get back."

"Divorce?" He questioned. "You're getting a divorce?"

"Yes, of course." I answered. "Isn't that what married people do when they break up?"

"Well, I guess they do.." He replied. "Just think about it, okay? Think about what's best for your children." He said, making me sigh. 

"Bye, Louis.." I said and gave him a hug. "Come on, Darce, give your uncle Louis a hug and then we're leaving, okay?"

"Okay.." She replied before Louis leaned down to give her a hug. 

"Be a good girl to your mummy and help her with Jaxon, will ya?" Louis told her, and she nodded while smiling at him. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too." She replied. 

"Darce, come on." I said and she nodded, running over to me. "Bye, Louis. I had fun as long it lasted. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." He replied. "Hopefully I'll see you soon, okay? Bye." He said before the three of us headed out of the hotel room.


this was short and crappy but.. im not that happy with this chapter :(

anyways, probably last update for tonight! 

anyone listening to 1DRadioParty? Im not, cuz i do NOT wanna get the feels in front of my little brother. all those fetus songs.. yup, i'll cry if i listen to it cause i cant listen to niall's fetus voice without crying. ITS JUST SO PERFECT! I LOVE NIALL'S VOICE MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD


- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now