Chapter 7

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"I can feel myself getting more and more excited about the baby now," Niall said and grinned as we were painting the walls in the nursery. 

"Yeah, me too," I replied and smiled back at him. "Just three months and two weeks left," 

"It's unbelievable," He said. "So, have you thought about any names yet?" He asked me as we continued painting. 

"I haven't thought about any names yet, but I have thought about what letter I want it to start with," I replied.

"Which is?" He asked. 

"For a girl, I just love the letter A," I replied. "Originally, Darcy's name was actually gonna be Alison, but I changed it just a few hours after she was born,"


"I just felt like her name wasn't Alison.. It was Darcy," I replied. "And for a boy, I chose the letter J," I said. "I don't even know why, but I have my heart set on that letter," 

"You know, I really like those letters too," Niall said. "There are so many beautiful girl names that starts with A, and so many bad ass names for boys that starts with J," 

"Are you calling Jason a bad ass?" I asked and chuckled.

"Maybe I am," Niall said causing both of us to laugh. A while after, Niall asked; "What should we name him or her, then? Any suggestions?" 

"I really don't know," I replied. "There are so many names to choose between," I said. "What about you?"

"Well, honestly, for a girl I like the names Aubrey and Audrey," He said. "They're almost the same except for one letter. And for a boy, I really like Jonah and Jaxon," 

"Those are some really cute names," I said. "What if after we finish decorating the room, then we write the names on a piece of paper put the girl names in a cup and the boy names in another one, and then we just pull one name out of the hat and that will be the name?" 

"Sounds like a plan if you ask me," He replied and smiled at me before we continued painting the walls. About half an hour later, we were done painting them. 

"Darcy's old drawer from when she was a baby is up in the attic, so if you could help me get it down that'd be great," I told Niall. 

"Sure, I'll help you," He replied and I followed him up in the attic. We found Darcy's drawer standing against the wall and walked over to it. "On three, we left it up. One, two, three," 

We picked it up and carefully carried it over to the stairs, but that was when it became hard. I slowly walked down the stairs, still holding the drawer, and Niall came following me. 

"Are you down yet?" Niall asked as I took the last step and was finally down on the floor. 

"Yeah, I'm down," I replied and started stepping away so Niall could come down too. 

"We did it!" He exclaimed as both of us and the drawer were back on the floor. "You know, we should make that thing lighter. God, that thing is heavy," 

"I know," I replied. "But let's just get it in the nursery now, okay?" 

"Okay," He replied and we started carrying it over to the baby's room. "Where should we put it?" 

"Let's just put it right under the window," I replied and he nodded as we sat it down where I said. 

"I can go get the crib while you start putting the clothes into the drawer," Niall said and he nodded. He gave me a kiss before heading out of the room.

While he was getting the crib out of the car, I found the bag of clothes and put them into the drawer. It wasn't much, but it would be a lot more after the baby arrives.

"Okay, let's get this thing built," Niall said as he came back with the box of things we needed to get the crib put up in his hands.


After two hours, laughs, and having to do everything over again because Niall didn't follow the instructions, we finally finished building the bed.

We had put it against the wall that was across from the door when you walked into the room. 

"So, what's the next thing we have to do?" Niall asked. 

"Well, we need to get all of the toys and the baby's play mat in here and then we're done, I guess," I replied. "The toys are in the living room, and so is the mat," 

"I can go get it," He replied. He headed downstairs and returned shortly after holding the bag of toys and the play mat. 

We found one of Darcy's old toy boxes that she doesn't use anymore and put it in the nursery, where we put all of the toys in. 

We put the teddy bears and the pillow pet in the crib along with the duvet we bought last time we went shopping.

Then we found a spot for the play mat, and we were done.

"If I'm allowed to say it myself, then I'm proud of us," Niall said. "I'm looking forward to spending time in this room with the new little Horan," 

"Yeah, me too," I said as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see I had gotten a text from Tahlia. 

From: Tahliaaa !


I instantly texted back. 

To: Tahliaaa !

text him back and say you're coming!! this is huge, and now you have the chance to tell him what you feel!! 

From: Tahliaaa !

I'll text you later and tell you how it went!

Then I put my phone back into my pocket. 

"Should we go find out the name, then?" Niall asked and I nodded. We headed downstairs and found a piece of paper and a pen. We wrote down the names before putting them in separate cups. Girl names in one and boy names in the other. 

"You pick the boy name and I pick for the girl, okay?" I said. 

"Sounds like a plan," He replied. "On three, we pick," He said and I nodded. "One, two, three," As he said three, I put my hand in the cup and picked up a piece of paper, without looking at it.

"Let's look at them together," I said and walked over to him. Both of us opened the pieces of paper we had chosen, and we both smiled when we saw which names that were written.

"Aubrey or Jaxon Horan.. I like it," Niall said and gave me a side hug.

"I do too,"


so... the names are picked !! the reason i picked those names is because two of my friends in florida where my grandparents live are named aubrey and jaxon, so therefore i chose those names :) 

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now