Chapter 21

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"Uncle Louis!" Darcy exclaimed as she ran into Louis' arms.

We landed just thirty minutes ago, but Louis had come to meet us at the airport, mostly because he had missed Darcy and wanted to be the first one to meet Jaxon.

During the flight, Niall and I sat on each side of Darcy while Jaxon was sleeping in Niall's lap, but I always caught him sending me sympathetic looks because of Taylor.

I was just so afraid that he would die, but Niall kept telling me everything was gonna be alright.

"Uncle Louis, you have to meet my little brother!" Darcy said and dragged Louis with her over to us.

Jaxon had woken up from his nap when the plane hit the ground, so his blue eyes landed on Louis as he and Darcy were walking towards us.

"Jaxon, that's your uncle Louis," Niall said. "You should learn to know him, because he's gonna be your babysitter whenever mummy and I can't look after you and your sister,"

"Hey, Jaxon," Louis said and smiled at him. "You're a cute little lad, aren't you?"

"Lou, do you think you maybe could babysit the kids tonight?" Niall asked him. "Amy and I haven't had that much time alone lately, and I think it's time we have some husband and wife time,"

"Sure, I'll babysit them, but remember we have that interview later." Louis replied. 

"Crap, I forgot." Niall replied. "That's probably why Simon only gave me three days."

"Probably." Louis answered. "Now, should we let the other lads meet Jaxon too?"


"Seriously, though, this kid is going to be breaking hearts," Liam said. "He'll be able to get any girl he wants with those bright blue eyes,"

"I know." Niall replied and smiled down at Jaxon who was laying in his lap. 

"He's, like, 3 days old and he's already the top trend on twitter." Zayn said and chuckled as he was checking his phone, obviously on twitter.

"Let me see," I said and he handed me the phone. 

The top trend was #JaxonHoran and another trend was #CongratulationsNamy. 

I decided to check the trend that said #JaxonHoran and pressed the hashtag. 

I smiled to myself as I scrolled down the hashtag, looking at all the sweet stuff the fans were saying about Jaxon. 

Everyone was saying how cute he is and how sweet Darcy is with him. 

There were also a few pictures from earlier today when we were at the airport. 

The pictures were of Niall holding Jaxon in his arms, and Niall, Jaxon and Darcy waiting to board the plane while I was talking with mum. 

"But, I have a question for you guys." Harry said. "I know you forgave him, Amy, but what are the fans gonna think? He's supposed to be dating Molly, and now you're on tour with him?"

"Don't worry, I got it covered." Niall answered. "I talked to a few fans on the airport and told them that the reason she's on tour with me is because neither of us wants to be away from the kids, so therefore she came with me too."

"So, they still believe that you're dating Molly?" Liam asked, and Niall and I nodded. "Good, because I have a feeling you'll get questions about it on the interview."

"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too." Niall replied. 

"Questions about what?" Darcy asked as she was playing with Jaxon's fingers.

"Nothing, Darcy.. It's nothing you need to worry about." Niall replied and smiled at her. 



"2 minutes to go, guys!" One of the prouducers shouted. 

"Well, I better get going to the lads." I said to Amy, Darcy and little Jaxon who was sleeping in Amy's arms. 

"Good luck, daddy!" Darcy said and hugged my legs. 

I picked her up and put her on her my waist, smiling at her. 

"Wanna give daddy a kiss?" I asked her, and smiled before giving me a peck. I then sat her down on the floor again. "See you guys after the show." I said before giving Amy a soft kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." She replied before I turned around and headed to the rest of the boys.

"There you are! It's, like, 30 seconds till we're on!" Liam said. 

"Calm down! I'm here now, aren't I?" I replied. 

"Please welcome our next guests, One Direction!" The interviewer, Alan, shouted as we all headed out on the stage. 

We hugged the interviewer before sitting down on the couch. 

"Wow, it's really nice to see you again!" Alan said. 

"It's nice to see you too." Harry replied. 

"Now, to start off, I would like to congratulate Niall on his newborn son." Alan said, making the crowd go wild. "What's his name again?"

"Jaxon Alexander Horan." I replied with a bright smile. "My daughter chose the middle name." I said, making sure she got some attention to. 

The last thing I wanted was her to feel left out. 

"And how did your daughter react when she found out it was a boy? Was she happy that it was a boy or did she want it to be a girl?" Alan asked. 

"She was really happy." I replied. "She already loves him very much and she's being such a great big sister."

"Earlier today she was just talking about how cute he is and how beautiful his eyes are." Louis said, making the crowd cheer again. 

"But, there is something I believe we all want the answer to." Alan said. 

"Why is Amy with me on tour while I'm dating Molly?" I asked the question for him. 

"Exactly." He replied.

"Well, I didn't want to be away from my kids for so long, but Amy didn't wanna be away from them either, so I suggested that all three of them just came with me on tour. In that way, we will both get to see them whenever we want." I answered. 

"Well, how are things actually going between you two?" He asked. "I'm positive you don't hate each other considering this picture of you hugging at the airport." He said, and the picture of me hugging her after she heard about Taylor came on the screen. 

"We don't hate each other. You're right about that." I said. "The reason I was hugging her is because, well, she's just going through a tough time, and I couldn't just sit there and watch her cry, could I? Now, can we change the subject, please?"

"Sure, let's move on."


sorry about the long wait! but i've been on vacation in Spain for a week x

anyways, hope you all liked this! let me know if i spelled any words wrong.

- sarah xx

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