Chapter 6

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"What do you think about this color for the walls?" Niall asked and pointed at a light beige color. "It works for both a boy and girl," 

"Sure, that color will be perfect," I replied and smiled at him. He put a bucket with the beige paint in our shopping and we continued walking through the store. 

"Next on the list is a crib," Niall said as he checked our shopping list. "I think they're in the section over there," He said and pointed at a sign saying 'Bedroom'. 

"You think?" I chuckled. "Let's go then," I said and we walked over to the bedroom section. There were a lot of baby cribs in the section, so we had many to choose between. 

"What color should we have it in?" Niall asked. 

"I was thinking about maybe a brown crib, but if we're having beige walls then white could be better," I replied. "White will make the room a lot brighter," 

"White it is, then," He said. We went looking at all the white cribs, and we ended up getting just a simple crib. We didn't want our baby to grow up with things with too much details and stuff, so the bed we bought was just white. No details.

"What's next?" I asked him. 

"Toys," He replied and smiled at the list. Before we left the house, Niall couldn't stop talking about how much he was looking forward to picking out toys for our baby. 

We had decided we wouldn't buy that much toys  yet, though. We were gonna wait until the baby was born to see which gender it is before we boy most of the toys and clothes.

We walked over to the toy section and started picking out the toys. We picked out a few teddy bears for him or her to have in the crib, the panda bear pillow pet, a toy xylophone, a rattle and a play mat with rattles hanging over it.

"Well, this baby can't complain about not having anything to play with," Niall said as he looked at all the toys in the cart.

"Yeah, this is a lot of toys," I agreed with him. "Anyways, what's next?" 

"What's left is clothes, a stroller, a car seat, baby monitors and diapers," He replied. "What should we take first?" 

"Clothes," I replied and he nodded. We walked over to the baby clothes and started deciding on what clothes to buy. "Remember, we're just gonna get a few bodysuits right now, and we'll get the rest later," I reminded him, and he nodded.

"This one's cute," Niall said and held up a white bodysuit that said 'I love my sister'. He then held it in front of my baby bump, so our baby was 'wearing' it. "It fits!" 

"You're a dork," I said and laughed. "Put it in the cart," I said, making Niall jump in excitement. "You really wanted that one, didn't you?" 

"Yeah, I really did. Darcy will be so glad we got that one," He replied and smiled one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen him smile. 

We continued look at the baby clothes, until my eyes landed on a light yellow bodysuit I was sure Niall would absolutely love. 

"Niall, look at this one," I said and showed him the bodysuit that said 'Baby Directioner'. 

"We're totally getting that one," He said and grabbed it out of my arms to put it in the cart. "Now, exactly how many do we need?" 

"Well, we could use a pair of pants, a sweater, socks and at least one beanie," I replied and he nodded. "What if you find socks and a beanie and I can the last outfit?" 

"Sounds great," He replied and headed off to find socks and a beanie. While he was doing that, I started looking for an outfit for him or her.

I ended picking out a pair of white sweatpants and a white thin cotton sweater with colorful stars on. It was an adorable outfit if you ask me.

Niall came back not long after with two pairs of white socks, one pair of red ones and a simple white baby beanie. 

"Are these good enough?" He asked and showed them to me. 

"They're great," I replied. "Are these good enough?" I asked him and held up the clothes I picked up.

"They are wonderful. They're really cute actually," He replied and I nodded, agreeing with him. "So, next up is a stroller," 

There weren't that many strollers to pick between, so we ended getting a simple black one that was red on the inside. 

When we picked the car seat, we picked one that was similar to the stroller, except that it was brown and red on the inside and black on the outside.

"Now we need baby monitors and diapers," Niall said as he checked the list. "How many monitors do we need?"

"Well, we should have one in almost every room," I replied. "So we'll be needing one the living room, the kitchen, our bedroom, the bathroom and in the baby's room of course,"

"5, then?" He said, and I nodded. "Okay, I'll go get the monitors and you get the diapers, okay?" 

"Okay," I replied and pushed the cart with me to the diapers. The cart was starting to get a lot heavy, especially with the stroller, car seat and crib that we placed under all the clothes, toys and paint.

Considering it was still about 3 and a half months until the baby is supposed to be born, I only put one pack of diapers in the cart. I could just buy more of them after the baby is born.

"They only sell packs with two monitors, so we need to buy six," Niall said and put three packs in the cart. "We can put the last one in Darcy's room, just in case we maybe don't hear the baby crying at night," 

"Yeah, that will work," I replied and smiled at him. "So, that was the last thing, right?" I asked and he nodded. "Well, let's go pay, then," 

"Do you want me to take the cart?" He asked and chuckled when he noticed I was struggling with it. 

"Yes, please," I replied and stepped aside so he could push the cart for me. 

We headed over to the check out and the lady that worked here started scanning all of our items. Niall and I stood there just watching as the bill grew and grew. 

"This is gonna cost a fortune," I said. 

"Don't worry, we have the money," He assured me. "Remember which band I'm in," He said and smiled at me. 

When the lady was done scanning our items, she told us what we had to pay and Niall gave her the money for it. 

We then put the clothes, toys and paint in bags and we helped each other get the crib, stroller and car seat out to the car. 

"So, I guess we're ready to start decorating the nursery, then," 


this is kinda bad, but.. this is basically them just going shopping for the nursery. 

soo.. it's just a week before niall goes on tour, 3 and a half months until the baby comes, and Darcy only has to wear her cast for 3 more months.

who can guess where darcy is while the couple is going shopping?

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now