Chapter 18

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As soon as he was born, they cleaned him up from all the blood and put him in a light blue blanket. Just watching my newborn little son made me tear up.

After they had wrapped him up in the blanket, they handed him to Amy. 

"Hi, there," She said and grinned at him.

"I'll go and get Darcy and Taylor," Tahlia said before heading out in the hallway. 

"Niall, do you wanna hold him?" She asked me, and I nodded while smiling bright. She handed him to me, and I held my son in my arms, letting a few happy tears fall.

"Hello, Jaxon," I said and smiled at him as Tahlia came back inside with Darcy and Taylor. "Darcy, come here and say hi to your little brother,"

"Brother?" She said and smiled. "So it is a boy?"

"Yeah, it is," I replied. 

"Come on, guys. Pose for your first family photo,"  Amy's mum told us. I gave Jaxon back to Amy before I picked up Darcy and sat her next to Amy on the bed. Then, I leaned over the bed to be in the photo too.

First, Amy's mum took a photo of us, then Tahlia wanted one too. After she had taken the picture, I also wanted one, so I handed my phone to Amy's mum so she could take one for me. 

"I'm just gonna call the lads and tell them the news," I said as Amy's mum gave me back my phone. I dialed Liam's number, and he picked up on the first ring.

"So, how'd it go?" He instantly asked. "Did she forgive you? It's on speaker, by the way,"

"Yes, she forgave me guys, but I have something to tell you," I said. "Guess who's son was born a month early?"

"No way!" I heard Louis' high pitched voice shout. "You're kidding right?"

"No, I'm not," I replied. "He's here in the room with me," I said. "Born just a couple minutes ago,"

"Congrats, man," Zayn said.

"Thanks, Zayn," I said and smiled. "I'm gonna tweet about it later now, so you'll get to see a picture of him then,"

"Looking forward to it," Liam said. "He's probably the cutest little boy in the world,"

"Believe me he is," I replied. "Well, I've gotta go, lads. See you later," I said before hanging up. Then I walked back over to Amy and Jaxon. "Jaxon, let me get a picture of you," I said and opened the camera. I snapped a picture of him and uploaded it to twitter. 

 NiallOfficial: Finally another man in the house! Jaxon Alexander Horan everybody ! love ya, buddy x

Along with the tweet, I attached the photo of Jaxon. I know most people say this about their own kids, but I'm positive that Jace was the cutest baby boy know to man. I looked at the replies to my tweets and apparently the fans thought so too.

"Look at his little squishy cheeks," Darcy said and played with his cheeks, but she was making sure to be careful. "And his cute little nose,"

All of Amy's family members and Tahlia were standing around the hospital bed, admiring little Jaxon, and that was when I realized that my family didn't know yet.

I quickly dialed Greg's number, and he answered almost instantly.

"Greg, it's great news!" I said before he could even say anything. "Little Theo got himself another cousin today,"

"Wait, are you serious?" He asked. "Well, tell me which gender it is! Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a boy," I replied.

"I'm so happy for you, Niall," He said. "I'm looking forward to meeting him, so you need to bring him with you to Ireland sometime,"

"I will," I replied. "But I've gotta call mum and dad, so I'll talk to you later,"

"Okay, and tell your son hi from me," He said. "Bye," Then we hung up. 

I called mum and dad and told them about it, and they were just as excited as Greg was, maybe even more excited. Dad was most excited out of all three, though.

While I was walking back to the hospital bed, I realized something. I only had three days with Jaxon before my tour was continuing. I didn't wanna leave him at all. But, I knew I had to. I had already disappointed the fans in Hong Kong, and I didn't want to disappoint any more people.

"Guys, I think I'm gonna take a nap, just to relax," Amy told us. "Niall, can you take him?"

"Of course I'll take him," I replied and she handed him to me. 

"I think I'll go too. I'm not feeling too well," Taylor said. Amy's mum and Jason went with him, probably to make sure his cancer wasn't getting worse.

I felt sorry for him, I really did. He's only fifteen and already has to go through cancer. A 15 year old is supposed to be going out and having fun, not having to relax because he's got cancer. 

Thalia left too because she had work to go to, and then it was just me, Darcy and Jaxon left. Amy was in here too, but she had already fallen asleep.

"Hey Darcy? Do you wanna hold your baby brother?" I asked her and she nodded. "Come here, then," I said. She walked over to me and sat down in the chair next to me. "Make sure to hold his head up," I told her as I laid Jaxon down in her lap, and she did as I told and held her hand under his hand.

"He's cute," She said. "And he has blue eyes just like me!"

"We don't know for sure that they're blue yet, Darcy," I told her. "Every baby has blue eyes when they're born, but they get their true color after just a couple days,"

"Maybe they'll be brown like mummy's eyes, then?" She asked.

"Maybe," I replied. "But you know, Darcy, I'm not here to stay.. I'll be leaving again in a few days,"

"What? Why?" She asked.

"I have the tour," I replied. "But listen, I really don't like being away from you and mummy, and now your brother Jaxon, so I'm gonna try and convince mummy that you come with us for the tour, okay?"

"You are?" She asked and smiled bright. 

"Yes, but don't tell mummy yet," I replied. "I'll ask her later, yeah?"

"Okay," She replied and started playing with Jaxon's tiny little fingers. "I hope she says yes,"

"I do too," 


no author's note

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now