Chapter 28

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A/n okaay I'm gonna be really bad at all the relationship shit that goes on bc I have no idea what people do but whatever :P well I know what they do but I kind of find it hard to put into words bc I have no experience and sigh hands up if ur forever alone like me


I woke up to a I'm walking you to school this morning xx text which made me shed a few tears and oh god what an emotional wreck.

I jumped out of bed and went to my bathroom and did my business before hopping downstairs to get some breakfast. No surprise the boys weren't downstairs yet, probably sleeping in until the very last minute. I pour myself some cereal and eat it whilst checking all my social media sites and jazz. I had a few notifications but nothing special.

After that I trundled upstairs to get dressed, it was still raining, surprise so I settled for some skinny jeans and a jumper along with my rain coat, hat scarf and gloves as it was probably -5°C out there.

Sneaking past Aaron and George's I could hear them shuffling around. I grabbed my bag from the kitchen and sling it around my shoulders. The doorbell chimed and I answered it.

"Who's that?" I whip my head around and see Aaron standing there in his man-child onesie.

"Uh I'm walking with Phoebe today, she has some exciting news she needs to tell me and can't wait so yeah" I reply quickly. Aaron eyed me suspiciously before shrugging and turning away from me and facing the kettle.

"I won't be able to sit with you at lunch because issues." He said which made me laugh. 'Issues' probably meant a detention for writing 4999 words out of a 5000 word essay.

"Okay, so um, later." I said and quickly slide out the door and shut it. Lucas is stood on the porch eyeing me with a smirk.

"Okay! Lets go." I said and push him away from the house quickly in case Aaron decided to look out the window from the kitchen. When I was sure we were a safe distance away I held Lucas' free hand which was gloveless and looked cold and shoved it in my coat pocket along with my hand.

He looked towards my pocket then to me with a cute smile on his face which instantly warmed me even though it was freezing.

We made small talk during out walk, mainly asking about each other's interests and happy in each other's company. We finally reached school where we got blasted by the heater. I laughed as I saw a group of kids literally stacked on top of the radiator which was near the front doors.

Poor people.

Eh it's their problem.

Lucas walked me to my locker where Phoebe was texting someone, she saw me with Lucas and let out a squeak. I rolled my eyes and waited for the interrogation to begin. Lucas obviously noticed Phoebe's not so subtle cheesy grin and decided to leave us.

"I'll see you in class." He pulled me into a warm hug and kissed me on the head before letting me go. My knees went to jello amd I had to hold on to Phoebe for support who wasn't impressed. When he was out of ear shot Phoebe began with her questions.

"Have you kissed yet? Does Aaron know? Is he good to you? Have you met his parents?" And the questions continued. I slapped a hand over her mouth to stop her asking any more annoying questions.

"Sort of, no, yes no." I answered simply and opened my locker where I dumped my books. Phoebe continued to blabber on about ship names and how she dibs being the godmother of my children.

"Dude I'm only a child, I'm not having children."

"...yet." she mumbled just loud enough for me to hear. I shot her a warning glance which she just waved her hand to.

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