Chapter 1

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I look at the girl who's staring back at me. Her long chestnut brown hair reaches down to her waist. Her indigo blue eyes are dull and lifeless. Her pale skin is flawless without a pimple in sight. I sigh. Why wasn't I gorgeous like other girls? Girls with long blond hair and sky blue eyes with an amazing tan. Around 5'4", perfectly manicured nails. That wasn't me. My nails were bitten and ragged. I was around 5'7", quite tall for a 16 year old. But I was invisible or seen as a piece of scum on the bottom of someone's shoe. Constantly pushed down the line, but I never give up. I never let the words people throw at me affect me. I guess I've become numb to the pain over the years. I haven't cried since my mother left. I don't speak to anyone. I can speak I just choose not to. You may as well call me severley anti-social or socially awkward. Either way the description fits.

Well I wasn't going to get to school any faster by staring at my reflection. I didn't really want to go to school anyway, but I guess I have no choice, I want to get an education, then get a job and so on.

Gathering up my books and binders which were sprawled across my small desk I shoved them into my black rucksack then slung that over one shoulder.

I was still living in the apartment my mum left me in 5 years ago. I had gotten a job at the library down the road. The pay wasn't bad and I got to meet some new people. Mrs Holland, the owner, was a kind old lady and she always made me smile.

As I made my way out of my bedroom then my apartment and started my journey to school, I was thinking about my old life. Before my dad got ill and before my mother left me. I'm sure there was someone else in my life but I was probably too young to remember. We were happy. Always smiling and looking after one another. Until it happened. I never understood fully why my mother took my dad's illness so sourly. The point of being in a relationship is to be supportive and always love the other.

I shook my head from my thoughts and in a mere 10 minutes I had arrived outside the school gates. I always arrived early so I can avoid the glares and shoving. School started at 8 o'clock but I arrive here at 7:30 most days. I had nothing to do at home so why not come to school.

As I made my way to my locker the corridoors started to get more crowded, filling up with more students every second. I dumped the books I didn't need and only the ones for first, second and third lesson.

Wandering down the corridors to my first lesson; Biology then English and after that I had P.E. I was happy in my own world thinking how nice it would be to not get bullied when I ran into someone, their books and binders spilling all over the floor.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" I whimpered. Sometimes the stupid jocks would purposely walk into me and sent my stuff gliding across the floor. Then they'd laugh at me.

I helped to collect the persons things then handed them back to her... or him. As I looked up I saw myself gazing into a pair of indigo blue eyes, identical to mine. He had brown hair which was in a quiff and stood around 6'2". He wore a red and white striped tshirt that covered his body and dark wash jeans. I was frozen to the spot just hypnotized by the beautiful pools of blue, almost sucking you in.

"Uh... My things?" he said. That's only when I realized I was still holding his books and binders.

"Oh... Here. Sorry." I said, awkwardly handing back his stuff. He just looked at me with a quizzical eyebrow raised. I felt myself blushing and looked away. Scratching the nape of my neck I said; "So... Uh see ya around, I guess." and with that I walked away.

Great that little run in had made me a little later. Soon after I was being glared at, shoved to the side and whispered about.

"I bet she's a slut, just has the innocent image for school." One girl I didn't know said to her friend as I quickly walked past.

"Why is she chasing after the new college student?"

"She's probably been pregnant."

I'm a pregnant virgin slut now. Oh okay. That's news to me.

I got through lessons one, two and three just fine but the time lunchtime rolled around the glares had eased as did the whispering. I made my way to my locker and dumped the books I didn't need and took out the ones for fourth, fifth and sixth.

I made my way to the cafeteria and joined the line. Hmm what food can I get today? Jacket potato with cheese and beans I think. So that's what I ordered.

"Well if it isn't my new best friend." someone mumbled in my ear. I turned around to see the same indigo-eyed boy I ran into before.

"Uhm hi." I squeaked. To be honest I sounded like a deranged mouse.

"Get your lunch then come join me, I want to talk to you." and with that said he walked off. So I followed him to a quiet table.

"What's your name?"

"Christie. You?" I mumbled.


"So, why did you want to talk to me?" I asked.

"Well you see, when you ran into me you saw my eyes, they're identical to yours." He laughed nervously.

"Right, lots of people have the same eye colour. And the point is?" I asked, but who was I kidding, the eyes were the first thing I noticed.

"Just, I have an inkling. I want to get to know you better before I spill the beans, okay?"

"Um... okay." I said hesitantly.

"Look Crystal--"

"Christie." I corrected. One thing that bugs me is when people get my name wrong. It's not even a complicated name so why do people get it wrong?

"Right, Christie. Anyway I know you think this is creepy but trust me, there's a story behind all of this so just trust me, please?" Oh not the puppy eyes.

Resist the eyes! Resist!

"Fine." I stared blankly at him.

"Thanks Crystal!" he grinned sheepishly.

"Christie! My name is Christie!" I fumed.

"Whatever." he dismissed me with a hand waver and got up from his chair, leaving me alone, which is how I liked to be.

For the rest of the day I couldn't help but think back to what Aaron had said to me.

What does he mean? 'I have an inkling'

I just decided to go straight to library for my shift. Mrs Holland wouldn't mind if I was there early. My shift started at 4, it was only 3:30 now but I could do with some more pence.

As I came to the door of the library, I pushed it open and heard the chime of the bells above. Mrs Holland's little Jack Russel named Twinkie came to greet me.

"Hi boy, you okay?" I knew he wouldn't reply but no harm in talking to animals, right?

"Christie honey, is that you?" Mrs Holland called.

"Yes it is, I'm early today, do you mind?" I asked as the little old lady appeared in the doorway to the stock room.

"No not a problem deary." She smiled, her eyes crinkling as she did. Mrs Holland knew about my dad but she didn't know my mum had left me. I started working here at the library when I was 13. She was a kind and caring old lady, always looking out for others and making them smile.

By the time 6pm rolled on the library was nearly empty with only one customer.

"Christie you can go now if you wish since you came early." she said as the lat customer left.

"Thanks, I will see you tomorrow." I said with a smile, picking up my paycheck. I worked here everyday, weekdays 4 - 6 and weekends 10 - 3, at £6.50 an hour I made a decent pay, plus any over time work.

As I was walking home to my apartment I still couldn't get Aaron's words out of my head.


A/n: edited, my 13 year old self obviously knew nothing about jobs and pay I mean, £1.50 a day? No wonder Christie was skint😂

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