Chapter 45

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"Hey Mrs Holland, glad to see you back." One customer greeted the older lady. Her appearance had soon become talk of the town and everybody who knew her came to say hi.

"Guess this means I'm no longer interesting." I feign sulked and playfully turned my back her.

"Oh, nonsense Christie. You'll always be interesting." She said and I smiled. Another customer came up and started talking to Mrs Holland. I slipped away and headed over the the big round table where my squad was sitting.

"Why did you guys think it would be a good idea to try revise on a Saturday." I said and sat down next to Lucas.

"Our exams are literally 2 months away, I'm freaking out!" Phoebe whispered the last part.

"And I just wanted to see you." Lucas added and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes but kissed him on the cheek nonetheless.

"Ew! PDA please." Lilly shrieked and hid behind one of Phoebe's text books. I laughed and looked to the other side of the table where Chase was helping George with something. Or annoying him, either or.

"What you thinking?" Lucas mumbled in my ear.

"Aren't they cute?" I said. Since mine and George's talk, he'd been a lot more open about his sexuality, and had even been brave enough to ask Chase out, who obviously said yes.

"No as cute as us." Lucas pouted. I nodded and pecked him once again before getting up and going back to work.

Rewind to a month ago...

It was the news I'd been waiting for, forever! I was still in shock that I dropped my phone, and it thumped on the carpeted floor.

"Christie? Are you there?" I could just hear Mel's tiny voice through the receiver.

"Yes yes I'm here!" I scrambled to grab my phone and placed it to my ear upside down.

"Good! I'll pick you up from the library in 15?" She asked and I nodded furiously before answering.

After I hung up, I rang James - one of the other librarians - and asked if he could cover. Of course he said yes and arrived in a short 10 minutes.

"Thank you, thank you." I exclaimed to him, he went to reply but I had already run out through the front door and into Mel's car which had just pulled up.

"You were quick." I said and strapped on my seat belt.

"I sped." She said sheepishly and pulled away from the library.

It was a short trip to the hospital, however in my eyes it seemed like the longest ride ever, and couldn't have been happier when we pulled into the hospital car park.

Together we half ran half speed walked inside until we got to Mrs Holland's room.

"Where is she?" Mel looked around frantically for a nurse nearby.

"Excuse me!" She shouted to a nurse and started walking over inbetween the beds.

"Where has the woman been moved to who was in that bed?" Mel asked and pointed over to the empty and freshly made bed.

"She's no longer needed in the ICU, so we moved her back to her old room." The nurse said and Mel gratefully thanked her.

"C'mon then!" She grinned at me as she jogged past. I followed quick on her heel until we arrived at Mrs Holland's old room. Taking a deep breath, Mel pushed the door open to reveal Mrs Holland.

"Mum!" She squealed and hugged her mother. I went round to the right and hugged her too.

"Oh, my favourite girlies, I knew you'd be back in a jiffy." She laughed, her eyes crinkling at the sides and wrinkles forming round her cheeks where her lips pulled into a taut smile.

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