Chapter 7

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So I'm going back to school tomorrow and might not be able to update everyday. If worst comes to worst it will be once a week but please be patient:) I'm starting year 10 so that means GCSE's and exams. Don't forget to vote:D I love you my dear readers! Mwaaah Mwaaah!! *gives air kisses*.


Yay that one day everyone loves has arrived. Monday. If you looked it up the normal definition would be something like 'the first day of the week after the weekend' but my definition is 'the first day after the weekend where a child is forced to join an education club also known as school. The first day of bullying after a long, well deserved weekend.' yep that's me.

After putting my books and folders in my bag, walking out the door and locking it, my walk to school began. Today I was going to tell Aaron about our dad because I never did tell him. I hope he takes it well because I can't be bothered with the fuss today (I'm gonna take my bike because the tubes on strike;))

I reached school at my normal time and did my normal routine. Aaron came in at 8 o'clock so we went to the canteen to get some food.

"Nicki told me you got chased by a 'rabid beast' yesterday." he said smirking while using air quotes.

I just sighed. "Don't get me started on that. The owner was a freak as well." a very uncharming freak I thought.

"Well you know what they say..." he trailed off giving me a pointed look.

"Er no I don't know what they say actually." I said confused.

"Oh, well don't worry then!" he exclaimed then asked "How's dad? Can I come see him soon?" he asked. Um well actually no, you can't.

"Um not really..." I said quietly.

"Why? Every time I ask you come up with an excuse! It's almost like he's run away like mum did!" he half yelled throwing his hands in the air.

"Um he... Umhedied." I blabber squeaked. His head snapped up and his piercing eyes bore into mine. I looked away feeling intimidated by his gaze.

"He what?" his once indigo eyes turned cold into an icy blue.

"I was 5 and he was diagnosed with cancer. Nearly two years on he passed away when I was 7. I didn't tell you because you freaked when I told you about mum and you have your own family now." I said in a quiet voice. I expected him to go all hulk on me and be like 'Aaron angry Aaron kill' but instead he got up and gave me a hug. I let the tears fall freely. When I finally pulled away he looked at me with sorrowfulness.

"So you're living alone now?" he asked gently. I nodded simply. Just as he was going to say something the bell cut him off.

"I'll talk to you later. Meet me here at lunchtime." I said and walking to my first lesson of the day. History.

Walking through the corridors the glares were still being thrown my way and people walking into me with that get-the-hell-out-my-way-tramp look. Yeh I get that look a lot.

I made my way to history and took my usual seat at the back. A few other students were in there but didn't acknowledge me when I walked in. There wasn't a lot of people in his class so most of the desks were empty. Including the ones either side of me. I got my books and pens out of my bag and felt someone staring at me. I looked up and saw someone who I wasn't expecting to see.

"May I sit here?" The rabid beast owner asked me.

"Er sure." but I wasn't sure. I was far from sure. Up close I noticed he had black hair and when light shone on it, it shone a midnight blue colour. His eyes were a grey colour.

"You're the girl who was running away from my dog." he suddenly said. Well done Einstein.

"That was me." I replied casually.

"My dog isn't that bad you know. He's a friendly chap." I scoffed. That thing was far from friendly. I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Of course he is." trying to resist rolling my eyes when he gave me a smug toothy grin. Them teeth. Ew. Dude, you should get some braces.

"I'm getting some next month." he said with a hint of hurt in his voice. Oops did I say that aloud? Meh oh well.

"So what's your name?" he casually asked.

"Christie. You?" I replied. I hoped he wasn't going to do an Aaron and ask me loads of questions. I didn't want another brother!

"Thomas Joshua Lee." he said smugly. Oh well okay I'm Christie ihavenomiddlename Harris. Nice to meet you.

"Er hi?" It sounded more of a question.

"Right class! Get your books out. We're going to be doing some work on WW1 today. Go to page 21 in your text books and answer the questions. If any of you finish there is an extension on page 23 you can try." the teacher said before sitting down on his fat ass and opening his laptop. No doubt to look at inappropriate things on YouTube.

Halfway through the questions and someone starts nudging me. I ignore it. Again. I ignore it. Seriously, this is getting old. Nudge. Nudge. Shove and my pen flies across the page making a huge line. I turn to look at Tom and he whispers "I'm stuck on question 3." scoffing and turning back to my own work I carry on.

History finished with no more disturbances. I had another two lessons before lunch so I hoped they go to plan. Science flew by and before I knew it I was sitting in the art class room. I loved art and drawing. It was my favourite subject.

"Okay class. Today I will give you a picture and you have to do the best you can to try and copy that freehand onto your own piece of paper." Miss Beau said. She started handing out some photographs of things and I ended up with a set of fir trees on a snowy morning. I set to work drawing the trees then the snow on top of them. The snowflakes drifting in the air then the white ground. Once I had finished I looked down at my work and admired it. The teacher came round to collect them in as I quickly scribbled my name on the back.

I met Aaron at my table and as we ate we had a conversation.

"So I was thinking because you live alone you could move out of your apartment and live with us." he said quickly. Then continued. "You're part of the family already. My parents love you, so do the kids. The girls could do with someone else to look up to instead of George and I. We're not really the best influences on them." he smiled sheepishly.

"But I'm not part of your family. I'm a Harris and you're a Brown." I sighed. He shook his head.

"I'm a Harris as well. You're a Brown as well. You can keep your last name just live with us. I've already talked to my mum and dad, they say it's fine. They're more than happy to have you around."

"It doesn't feel right. I'm fine by myself. I can feed myself and stuff." I placed my linked hands under my chin and rested my elbows on the table.

"Please you use microwaveable food." he said flatly. I sighed and shook my head. Man, supernoodles were the bomb. Before I could reply he started talking again.

"What if you got burgled and they kidnapped you. You're on your own so no one will be there to protect you however if you live with me I will be able to beat them up." he said with a wink whilst making his bicep bulge and kissing it.

"Fine I'll move in at the weekend." I said dryly. I wasn't going to win this argument. Aaron jumped for joy earning many stares. He just glared their way and they continued doing the things people do best; eating.

As for Saturday I was moving in with my two brothers, two sisters and brand new parents. Sounds like a tv show.


Yaay she's moving in with them now! what do yous think about this Tom guy? Hmm possible boyfriend or not?? He seems a bit creepy to me HAHAHAHHA

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