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It's her 7th birthday today. As usual she doesn't get anything. Only a card and a 'Happy Birthday' from her father.

"Thanks daddy! I'm 7 today!" she squeals excitedly while lunging at her father and wrapping him in a hug. He laughs merrily like Santa as he returns her hug.

Her mother is stood at the other end of the room of their small apartment, glaring at her husband while he fawns over his daughter.

The Harris family are poor. They barely manage to pay their bills every year. They once used to be wealthy but after Christie's father became ill, they had to use their money towards his treatment. Ever since finding out about his disease, William Harris has been living a happy life, trying to enjoy his life while he can.

But that wasn't the same for Selena Harris. She turned sour and depressed. She used to say "what's the point in being happy when after he dies we'll be depressed anyway". She had been sour for a while now, ever since William was diagnosed with cancer.

"Be happy mum! It's my birthday!" The little girl would say.

Her mother would just flip her off or tell her husband to 'get that thing away from me'. Christie was a mistake. Her parents were just young and drunk. Her mother was just 17 when she had Christie.


3 months on.

William passed away because of the cancer. Selena didn't cry, scream or shout. But Christie did. She was closer to her father than anyone else. Every night she would look at the family photo of her dad, herself and her mother. She would cry and tell him about her life.

Every morning when Christie came down to go to school her mother would scoff and walk away or say 'I told you so'.


Christie had one friend in primary school. They shared each other's secrets. Her name was Grace. She knew about Christie's dad and how her mother treated her. She was always there for Christie. She was the shoulder to cry on.

Two years after, Grace moved to Australia with her family. She would send letters to Christie every month but soon Christie's mother blocked any communication between the two. That left Christie alone with no friends, no one to talk to.


Four years from her father's death, Christie was now eleven. Her mother still treated her the same but a happy glint was back in her eyes. She used to see this look before her father became ill.

Christie walked across the broken floorboards towards her room where she grabbed her father's photo safely enclosed in an envelope. She walked towards the door and put on her battered old trainers. She would often visit her father's grave with a flower in her hand.

She reached the graveyard and sat down by her father's grave, placed the flower ontop and pulled out a paper and pen.

'I miss you daddy and I always will. You are always in my heart' she smiled at her secret, put the letter in the envelope and enclosed the bow that sat within her hair.


As she returned home, the front door was open and her mother was towing a suitcase by her side.

"Christie dear I'm leaving you! Take care of yourself okay!" with that she placed a delicate kiss upon her cheek and threw the keys to the house at her. As she watched her get into a black car she couldn't help bit feel like a brokenhearted girl.

Brokenhearted Girl (Continuing & Editing)Where stories live. Discover now