Chapter 46

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The date of our fist exam quickly crept upon us. Reality only began to set in when I crossed off the day marks on my calendar, meaning I only had just under 2 months left.

"You'll be fine Christie, you're one of the most intelligent girls I know." Mrs Holland reassured me at the library that day. I nodded, but doubt kept creeping in.

Our exams were a pretty big deal, which was causing me to stress a little. They determined what level and course were available to set pupils in college, and if you ended up failing them, you'd have to do another year of school or go in at a lower level in college.

"How's the project coming along?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Its going good, it'll take a few months to make the tunnels stable and such. Most of the gold has been mined so the lads can get to work putting in a proper staircase and reinforcing the support beams to make them safer." Mrs Holland explained and showed me the blueprints of the plan.

She had gone through with the idea of turning the gold mine into an attraction. It would bring culture to the little town, and would be useful for history classes, benefiting the local school and then bringing in other classes from far away counties.

"I still can't believe all this has happened, it was only a few months ago when the fire happened, rebuilding the library, stumbling upon those ruffians on my midnight walk." I recalled some of the memories I'd shared with this place. I chuckled to myself when I remembered the drunk kids trying to salvage anything they could from the bins.

"Yes well, let's hope nothing like that happens again." Mrs Holland gave me a pointed look.

"I think we're safe from now on." It was true. Michael was in prison and the other few in his 'gang' that got caught were either doing community service or in a detention centre. His days of robbing and arson were over, and he wouldn't be out for a long time.


"So... how long is he actually in prison for?" Phoebe asked as she ate her sandwich. We'd managed to get onto the topic of Michael... again.

"I don't know, like 10 years." I shrugged, unsurely. I was amongst one of the witnesses that attended the court hearing. Turns out the library wasn't the only place he'd burnt. There was a shop owner there, and a farmer who lost his hay barn due to Michael.

He pleaded guilty to the charges which lessened his sentence slightly, but it didn't make a whole lot of difference. He should've thought his life through more thoroughly before becoming a pyromaniac.

"Oh my god! Christie you ruined his life!" Phoebe gasped then burst out laughing.

"He ruined his own life." I rolled my eyes and ate my sandwich. "Plus, people like that need to be in prison."

"And what of Sadie?"

"Don't have a clue, hopefully a detention centre with the others."

After lunch Phoebe and I headed towards our next lesson which was geography. I'd like to say lesson, but because we were so close to our exams, the teacher just let us 'revise'. Revise meaning mucking about for the whole hour until the bell goes, then do it all again in the lesson after.

We sat at the back on our usual duo table and just listened to music and doodled in our note books.

About 15 minutes in the classroom door burst open, interrupting the quiet mumbling and Mr Stillman sauntered in with his swagger attitude.

"Gidday' kids, ma'am." He tipped his notorious cowboy hat towards the substitute.

"So ya see, there's been a few problems with the Ibiza trip. The school refused to fund us for the strip club trip, even though I tried to bargain that it would be useful for the  human biology class." He wiggled his eyebrows knowingly. There were moans of disappointment amongst most of the boys in our class.

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