Chapter 4

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My dad was stood with his arm around my mother's shoulder and she looked heavily pregnant. Her arm was on the shoulder of a little boy with the same indigo eyes as me and the same brown hair as my dad. He was smiling showing perfect white baby teeth.

"Holy shit." I thought.

Is that why he had been asking all those questions about me? Wanting to get to know about my family? But was he who I thought he was?


Oh my god. I needed to talk to him. We needed to sort this out. If it was true, what were we going to do? I needed to get my mind of this first. Hmm I could stock up on my Capri sun drinks. Orange ones of course.

Returning to my room I grabbed £5 out of my piggy bank and pulled on a pink hoodie and a pair of sky blue trainers. I walked into the kitchen the out the house locking the door behind me.

It was a cold windy night and made my walk to the shop harder then ever. I'm sure by the time I arrived there my appearance looked like I'd been dragged through a rose bush. The automatic doors opened, welcoming me into the warmth of the shop, wrapping me in a warm embrace. A content sigh left my lips as I walked over to the microwaveable food section.

As I moved throughout the shop I heard giggling and whispering coming from the next isle. I just ignored it and carried on shopping until I heard wolf whistles and cat calls. Which were extremely annoying. I looked behind me to see Whatshername and some of her friends giggling, whispering and pointing to me.

"Hey girlies, look it's Cynthia!"

"Dayum girl! You look fine in them trainers!"

"What was the shop called? Hmm maybe 'if you can't afford decent clothes, shop here'"

"Do you parents work or are your standards too low?"

Don't break, that's what they're looking for.

"What's up? Cat got your tongue?" a brunette sneered.

"Actually, she can speak fine." a male voice said from behind me. Soon all the bitchy girls became flirtatious, doing that thing where they bat their eyelashes and lift one leg behind them.

"Sorry Aaron baby! We were just checking she could talk!" whatshername said.

"Obviously she can talk Sadie. Now stop your eye seizure before I call an ambulance." he said calmly as I snorted. Very ladylike I know. Sadie aka whatshername stood there gawping. I had the urge to go up to her and lift her chin and say 'you're catching flies' but I held it in and tried to stifle my laughter.

In a huff she turned around and her little minions followed. Muttering curses under her breath.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asked when I finally turned back to him.

"Yeh thanks, Sadie's face was priceless." I laughed.

"Yeh, jealous girls aren't really my type, especially ones who are still 2 feet smaller then me with 8 inch stilettos on." he said scratching the nape of his neck. I couldn't contain my laughter and burst into fits of giggles. Strangers were giving me a weird eye.

When I finally regained myself and wiped the tears from my eyes I turned back to Aaron.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He gave me a faked hurt expression, putting his hands to his chest and pouting.

"I only wanted to see my best friend but if that's how you're going to be then I might as well go..." he said the last part in a small voice.

"You know that's not what I meant!" I said while smacking his arm.

Brokenhearted Girl (Continuing & Editing)Where stories live. Discover now