Chapter 8

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The week went by very slowly almost telling me Saturday was going to be bad. But why? I had family now. That's all I ever wanted.

Nothing interesting or extraordinary happened throughout the week. Normal lunchtimes with Aaron, Sadie being a bitch and Thomas being a bit of a freak. I just let it slip by and carried on with my own boring life.

"Christie. Are you even listing to me?" a voice from my right said. I turned my head and looked at Aaron who was giving me a disapproving look.

"Mmh." I mumbled taking another bite of my chicken salad sandwich. It was a Friday lunchtime and the canteen was bustling with hungry people eager to get their food.

"What did I say then?" he asked me with his eyebrow raised. I just gave him a blank look which he rolled his eyes at.

"I said what time are you coming tomorrow? We have everything ready for your arrival." he explained. Ahh right. I was moving with my new family tomorrow.

"After I've finished my shift at the library. You can pick me up from there and give me a lift back to my house to get my stuff." I suggested with a wink.

"As you wish. Your majesty." I smirked. Oh how I loved being treated like a royal.


Well there goes the bell.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." I said after giving him a quick hug and making my way to my next class; art. Oh how I love art.

I took my usual seat at the back and waited for the teacher to enter. The rest of the students flooded into the room with the teacher hot on their heels.

"Good afternoon class," she said chirpily. "How are we today?" there were a few mumbles but no actual understandable words were transferred from their mouths.

"C'mon! A bit more enthusiasm! How are we today?" she shouted happily. More groans were released but you could actually make out the word 'good' amongst the murmur of the class. I chuckled quietly to myself and faced to the front. It's a great job I had eyes like a hawk otherwise I'd never be able to see. The classrooms were fairly large. Larger than your average ones anyway.

"Right class! Today we will be drawing something of your choice and throughout the term be adding watercolour and charcoal to it to give it a finish. Then proceed to make a glaze of your choice!" she squealed excitedly like an obsessive fan girl meeting One Direction or The Wanted.

She handed out some A3 paper, pencils, rubbers and other stationery we needed. She put a list up on the board of some examples of what we could draw. From leaves to a pack of wolves. I being the creative soul I am decided to draw a fire breathing dragon with the knight in shining armour trying to slay it so he can reach the beautiful princess who is locked away in the tower. Sounds like Shrek.

I set to work on the head. Getting the right shape for his flared nostrils and fiery eyes. As I worked I tuned myself out of the useless chatter that was going about the class. I was halfway through the dragons body when the bell rang. Sighing I scrawled my name on the back and handed it back to the wacko teacher of mine and making my way to my next lesson.

When the final bell signalled the end of school I couldn't be happier. Pythagoras' theorem wasn't my cup of tea at all. Standing up from my desk and sliding my books into my bag I sauntered out of the classroom.

Plugging my earphones in and pressing shuffle 'We own the night' by The Wanted blasted through my ears. I smiled contently to myself and walked onto the pavement to my home.

I walked up to the steps for my small apartment and fished my hand into my empty pocket of my hoodie. I tried the pocket the other side but too but that came up empty as well. I tried my jeans pocket but all that was in there was my phone. Starting to panic I tried the door knob. It was locked. But if I locked it this morning then I should have my keys on me! Reaching into the side pockets of my bag I searched through all of the pockets inside and out.

"Urgh!! Where can they be?!" I shouted to the air in frustration. Just as I was going to empty my bag I heard footsteps come up behind me. Obviously I turned around and saw one of Sadie's minions. She had jet black hair, brown eyes and tan skin. I looked to her outstretched hand and saw what she was holding. My keys.

"They fell our your bag when Sadie pushed you over. You just left and I saw them on the ground and retrieved them. I'm sorry I should have come and found you but I didn't know what lesson you had." she smiled looking away from me.

I leant across and took them from her.

"Uh thanks..." I didn't know her name all I knew was she had a friendship with Sadie and I didn't want to be anywhere near her for that.

"Phoebe. I'm called Phoebe." she smiled again, turned on her heel and waltzed off.

I looked down at my keys and saw a piece of paper rolled up in the key hole. I slid it out and unrolled it to reveal a message.

She stays in the shadows and the only ones who can see the light are the only ones who care.

I stared down at the note in my hands and looked up to see no one in sight. Just how I like it. I slid the note into my pocket and for once a change from being gloomy all the time was quite nice.

Smiling to myself I unlocked the door and sprung into my home. Ready to make a meal of chicken flavoured supernoodles.


I know this was only a short chapter just as a filler. As I said before I've just started school again so might not be able to update everyday :( please be patient though! Thank you my dear readers!!

Hollie xx

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