Who Is Kevin?

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Now - I did already write his backstory in the description, and it is HELLA long and takes up 100% of the space (except for credits and synopsis) buuut we do still need to know who Kevin is right now. First: his body temperature is like -20 degrees Celcius. 

One important thing about Kevin that I will joke about to death is that his cooking: 0 (Sadly, this trait is passed down on his descendants. At least he can boil water.)
He's also the strongest human on Earth and eats Herrschers for breakfast. (I think according to HoYo power-scaling, Ke[b]in destroys the equivalent of Emanators? Idk about if this is true, but basically: he stronk)

Here's how our old man looks like if he doesn't go emo angel demon dark uwu gacha oc. I think he's around 50,000 years old, but was only active for 4,300/4,700 years, depending on whether you believe your old man to be old or older. I'd trust the 4,300 one more since it came from the more recent Chapter 21/22 (forgor)

 I'd trust the 4,300 one more since it came from the more recent Chapter 21/22 (forgor)

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So what is the TLDR of all this? Kevin can't cook but is the strongest human on Earth. Also he is cold. Real cold.

- Instant noodles/instant ramen
- Finally being able to meet his dead (or not dead) friends. (Suffering on copium that Su will come back as a playable male char in Star Rail since he's not dead 😔)
- Playing video games 
- Not being forcefully brought back to life (unfortunately..)
- Giving the least amount of exposition/info possible
- Making dad jokes, for no reason other than y e s. (if u played summer event, yk..)
- Su and Dr. MEI (one of them is his girlfriend)
- Basketball (high school kebin was a huge sports kid)

- Rogue Herrschers that are trying to fuck up the world
- not being able to bruteforce :(((

Now, earlier I mentioned about when Kevin goes edgy boy - and for all of you buff man simps, Hoyo has blessed you with Diabolic Kevin. He has no proper shirt and has wings now. Also horns. Okay, maybe a quirky little cape. And also what happened to Shamash? 😔

We also have Deliverance Kevin, who is just a straight up beast

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We also have Deliverance Kevin, who is just a straight up beast...

We also have Deliverance Kevin, who is just a straight up beast

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That's it. Welcome to the book, and I hope you enjoy it! 

also very important side note is that i have the memory of a  goldfish please forgive me for any inconsistencies and point them out so i can avoid the embarrassment years la

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