The Past Will Return as an Avalanche - Chapter XII

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"If we hadn't happened to be passing by... were you really planning to go into the Fragmentum alone?", Bronya asked, with genuine concern in her eyes.

"Of course. What's all the fuss about? I've done that loads of times.", Seele chuckled. 

"So reckless... According to the rules of the , any expedition into the Fragmentum must have a squad of at least four members, as well as a communications officer."

"Exactly, a rule of the Silvermane Guards. Don't apply your rules to us.".


At a high place overlooking the entirety of Rivet Town, Seele pointed to one specific house.

It was quite large and could probably be a mansion.

"Way over there, see that house on the hill? That's Natasha's old orphanage.", Seele said. "After Oleg found me, he sent me there. I spent over half my childhood in that place.

"That must be a time of plenty.", Kevin nodded.

"I'd like to retire here.", Stelle said.

"Natasha said that the house was donated by some rich businessman. Whatever his business may have been, he must have been a good person.", Seele mused. " Oh, I miss those carefree days as a kid..."

However, Bronya stayed silent. It was quite odd.

"What? Nothing to say?", Seele asked.

"No, it's just... this place seems familiar somehow. Never mind.", Bronya shook her head.

"...Weirdo.", Seele sighed.

"Look down there. See the mess that remains of those old stalls? That's Rivet Town's market. The supplies Natasha wants are probably there. Let's keep moving. Watch out for monsters."

They walked down from the brick stairs, looking around the area for any medical supplies.

"Careful, enemies ahead!", Seele gripped her scythe. "These aren't like vagrants. They won't—"

"Don't treat me like a new recruit. I'm all too familiar with the monsters of the Fragmentum. Let's get ready to fight!"

"They haven't noticed us. For now, how about our sleep-deprived gang just.. avoid them?", Kevin sighed.

"..Yeah, that's smart.", Seele nodded.

They walked around the area, when Bronya noticed a place.

"A... restaurant?", Bronya looked at the dusty sign and gently wiped the dust off.

"Heh, the most famous restaurant in town. Natasha would bring the kids who behaved well here for a special meal.", Seele chuckled.

"So did she ever bring you?"

"Do I seem like I was a goody two-shoes? Of course not."

"Other Seele certainly was.", Kevin muttered, although not in a condescending way. (shocking, i know.)

"Weirdo.", Seele chuckled.

Their walk took them to a workshop. It looked cleanly maintained, unlike the rest of the city. 

"The facilities here seem to be in pretty good shape, not like those of a place that has been abandoned for years.", Bronya thought.

"Now that you mention it, it does seem a little... Could people still be living here? Impossible...", Seele said.

They walked to the market square, where a lot of crates were stacked on one another.

"There's a bunch of crates piled over there. Maybe we can find what we're looking for.", Seele said. "Watch out for monsters. They like to hide. If you need to, clear the area before you dig for the supplies."

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