Lying In Rust - Chapter XV

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"Nat, we're back.", Seele said, carrying the crates.

"Hehe, that's our Seele. Nothing if not punctual. So, did you find any usable supplies?", Natasha asked.

"Of course.", Seele opened the crate's lid. 

"Let me see... metal plates, gauze bandages, painkillers, rubbing alcohol... Perfect, that's everything I needed.", Natasha noticed.. something missing. "Huh... It's just, there are less painkillers than I'd expected. Did someone break into the storage room?"

"We shared some with Clara.", Stelle explained.

"..If she was there too then... I understand. She wants to look after the injured vagrants, right? Clara's always been a kind-hearted girl...", Natasha smiled. "I think you made the right decision. Still, it means I'll have to draw up a detailed dosage plan.", the gray-haired doctor sighed.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll help you.", Seele said.

"Um, no need. I'll handle the clinic. I assume you three have more important things to be getting on with, right? Oleg will be waiting, not to mention your two companions."

"I'd nearly forgotten about those two.", Kevin said in quite the serious tone.

"So you guys aren't that close after all? I thought you were sworn friends.", Bronya thought. "Especially that 'Dan Heng'. You both seem to be similar."

"Haha, you're adorable, Bronya. Kevin was obviously joking~", Nat chuckled.

"I bet old Oleg wants to talk about Svarog. We should get going — sorry Nat, we'll have to leave the wounded to you.", Seele said and walked away.

Bronya yawned. The effects of staying up overnight were already getting to her.

"What, tired already?", Seele continued to walk.

"Aren't you? We didn't get any rest last night."

"You're gonna have to step it up, y'know. My record is six days no shut-eye."


At the agreed meeting spot, there was March, Dan Heng, and Oleg. Secretly, Stelle was grateful that none of them went missing, played hide-and-seek, or earned some extra pocket money at the boxing gym.

"Hey, they're finally back!", March cheered.

"Sorry for the unannounced disappearance.", Stelle said.

"Ha, that's nothing — the unannounced disappearance record-holder is right here!", March proudly proclaimed.

"..And that's supposed to be a good thing?", Kevin sighed.

"Hahaha, it's good to have everyone back together. Let me get straight to it...", the chief said. "Regarding this 'Stellaron' and your predicament in the Overworld, your friends have gone over both with me again. The last time I saw Cocolia, she was an impressive young lady... I never thought that after becoming the guardian...", Oleg trailed off.

"All I can say is that I sympathize with your situation. Rest easy. Wildfire won't go behind your back on this. Your plan sounds a bit like the ravings of a drunken miner, but at least you're offering a road forwards. We Underworlders haven't had a road to anywhere for a long time now, and you can see how things have become. I'm willing to give you guys a shot.", the chief nods.

"Don't worry, Mr. Oleg, we'll make sure you don't regret it!", March said excitedly.

"Ravings of a drunken miner is a little harsh.", Dan Heng said.

"Well, if you want to achieve a big goal, you have to take small, realistic steps to it. At least that's what I used to think.", Kevin shrugged. "Although in this scenario, it is necessary."

"The young man is correct. You guys want to know the whereabouts of the Stellaron. Wildfire wants to remove the restrictions on the Underworld...", Oleg answered. "In other words, Svarog is the target of both our efforts. If we can't deal with the boss, we can't deal with anything."

"You're right. Let's go take him down!", Stelle cheered as she held her bat up high.

"Diplomacy before violence. We should try peaceful communication first.", Dan Heng said.

"Both your approaches have merit. We would always rather avoid losses and settle matters through peaceful means. But if the situation changes, we must be prepared for armed conflict at a moment's notice.", Oleg said. "Wildfire has tried many times to make contact with Svarog — without success. He has no intention of engaing with us. At our current strength, it would be incredibly dangerous to use force. Svarog's robots don't fear sacrifice, and I don't want to risk Underworld lives. But things have changed — your arrival constitutes an "external variable" for Svarog. I may not have the full picture, but perhaps you guys have an opportunity to sway him."

"That would be best.", Dan Heng agreed.

"Hahahaha! Our scheme is coming along nicely! But I fear that Svarog just isn't the swaying type.", Oleg sighed. "You'll understand when you get to his territory. Things never run smoothly down here. What about you, Miss Silvermane? You're the only one here that isn't compelled to do or die with Svarog. I'd like to hear your plan."

"The Underworld is still a part of Belobog. If Svarog's existence constitutes a threat to the people here, I will of course stand with you.", Bronya answered.

"Hahaha, excellent! An enlightened answer, young lady — and spoken like a true successor to the guardianship. Seeing as we're all on the same side, there's no reason to delay. Let's go, I've arranged for a guide to take you to Svarog."

"You're not coming?", Stelle asked.

"..I may be dense, but I'm not this dense.", Kevin sighed at Stelle's lack of understanding.

"What do you mean? I kinda' don't know why you're not coming either, Chief Oleg!", March 7th shook her head.

"Wildfire's relationship with Svarog has been hostile for a long time now, accompanying you would only lead to misunderstandings. We'll be nearby, awaiting orders. If things go south, we'll be there in no time. Seele, perhaps you can take our outsider friends the rest of the way."

"Got it, boss.", Seele nodded.


a/n: Sorry for a lack of updates! I was busy with schoolwork and contemplating why the fuck a remotely competent president is not being elected (i don't live in the US)


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