A Sunset Rendezvous - Chapter XI

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"Nice work, Seele. We were attacked on both sides by robots — who knows where they came from. We thought we were in it for the long haul, hahaha!", Oleg chuckled. 

"Chief! Is everyone okay? Is anyone injured?", Seele asked.

"We're fine — we're used to it at this point. We sent those pesky robots and ragtag troops packing. The mine should be quiet for a while... And who are your friends here..."

" Ahh, them! They're outsiders that Sampo brought down from who-knows-where. They need a favor from Wildfire, so I brought them with me. It'll be faster if they explain."

"Pleased to meet you. We're here to make friends with Wildfire.", Stelle smiled.

"Hah, it's been a while since I heard that anyone was pleased to meet anyone, haha. I won't forget you in a hurry. Wildfire welcomes you.", Oleg nodded. "So, you went to all this trouble to find Wildfire. What help is it you need?"

And so, the story began. About when they first landed on the icy planet to find a Stellaron, their not-so-friendly meeting with Gepard, how they were received as honored guests of Belobog by the supreme guardian, only to then be betrayed and nearly arrested by Bronya.

"Ha! I didn't know you'd put on a show for the Overworld too. Impressive.", Seele chuckled.

"Ho-ho, well this is new. Wildfire can barely take care of the Underworld, and now outsiders are looking for assistance from us.", Oleg laughed. His laugh was like an old grandpa's, except slightly more cheerful. "This "Stellaron" you speak of — I've never heard of it. But if it's a secret that even we locals don't know about, then one name does come to mind..."

"Do you mean Cocolia?", Kevin asked.

"The current supreme guardian is a liar who uses sweet words to deceive the Underworld. She's never cared about our survival—"

"Stop right there... I... won't allow you to insult the madam guardian.", Bronya interrupted.

"Miss Overworld, my words may be painful to you, but every one of them is true. Go out into the towns and hear for yourself — see how the people here suffer."

At this, Bronya could only stay silent. The old man was correct - life in the underworld was incredibly difficult from what she could observe.

"I haven't gotten close to voicing the extent of the Underworld's grievances, young lady. But I will respect your request. I will leave it at that, for now.", he sighed. "Let's get back to the main topic. The name that came to my mind, was Svarog."

"Huh...!? Isn't Svarog Wildfire's sworn enemy?", March said. 

"Why would a mere robot in the Underworld have knowledge of important secrets?", Kevin asked.

"Sworn enemy? Not how I see it. The boy here is closer. Svarog is a cold and unfeeling machine. He recognizes only the dead reasoning of his calculations. Svarog is not against Wildfire... or perhaps I should say: Wildfire isn't even of concern to him. That ancient robot witnessed the war... If you're looking to pick up a thread... he may well be your best source."

"Is he really that old? He looks pretty new.", Stelle finally asked.

"..Well, maybe he just had a good maintenance team.", Kevin chuckled. 

"Robots don't forget. If Svarog hasn't heard of your Stellaron, then I'm afraid perhaps no one has."

"In which case, we need to think of a way to convice Svarog to communicate with us.", Dan Heng nodded.

"Or get him to hand over his memory bank. We could go through it ourselves.", March 7th thought.

"When you're finished, the Stellaron crisis would've already been finished.", Kevin sighed.

𝕽𝖊𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓 - 𝕳𝖎3𝖗𝖉 𝖝 𝕳𝕾𝕽 [Inspired by @KeysOfVoid]Where stories live. Discover now