Wildfire - Chapter VII

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"Sooo... what does Wildfire do all day?", March asked as they walked behind Sampo. 

"Everything. They keep the peace, uphold justice, fight for resources, distribute goods. The sliver of trust they have for me has to do with the last one...", Sampo chuckled nervously. 

"...You're not a very trustworthy source, that's my conclusion.", Kevin nodded. They continued walking around Boulder Town.

"Huh? Where's Joshua?", Sampo looked around. 

"What's those?", March 7th looked down on the ground to those shiny rocks.

"Ah, this is Geomarrow, an exothermic ore. The underground and the surface are sealed off from one another, right? Well only the Geomarrow transport line is still running. The underground sends ore to the surface, and the surface sends goods to the underground. At least in theory. Most undergrounders are miners, and this is what they mine for a living. Y'know, if we didn't have Geomarrow to burn, this world would have frozen to death long ago. Hmm, let's keep moving. The person I was looking for isn't here...", Sampo looked around.

As the

"Huh...? Old Oleg isn't here either. Where is everyone? Hehe, hm...", Sampo chuckled nervously. 

"Gah, so you're leading us on another wild goose chase?", March 7th sighed. 

"I wouldn't dare! Trust me, we're getting close!"

"...Huh? What's that?", Kevin pointed to the giant structure in the center. 

"Oh, that's the , and it's also the pillar that connects the Underworld and the Overworld. People used to travel up and down that thing, but then...", Sampo chuckled nervously.

"Then.. what?", March asked confusedly.

"Uhh, it's a long story. In any case, practically nothing moves up or down anymore.", Sampo nodded. 

"Except you.", Dan Heng sighed.

"Oh! C'mon, my dear fellow, I thought we weren't going to discuss this? I beg you, the fewer rumors there are about me, the better!", Sampo chuckled. 

Sampo let the quartet towards a path of stairs. "Trust me, my good fellows~.", he nodded. March quickly noticed Bronya standing in the middle of a confrontation - and this time, she was outnumbered by the vagrants. 

"M—My friends, don't just stand there! This drama really doesn't need any more bystanders!", Sampo chuckled.

"Oh, y'know, it might be interesting to see you get in trouble.", March 7th chuckled.

"We should avoid attracting too much attention... but we can't just leave her.", Kevin nodded.

"7th is right. Does anyone have popcorn?", Stelle said. Her eyes were drooping, despite getting a whole day's worth of sleep. 

"Eh, I was kidding, and get your own opinion! I agree with Dan Heng, we can't just leave her to the bullies.", March nodded. "Let's go!"

"Alright, princess. Let's disperse with the pleasantries!", a vagrant shouted. The hate and anger that the Underworlders had been suppressing was channeled into this one shot. 

Bronya, not knowing what to do, stepped back in the hopes that she would be able to let it hit a non-lethal area. However, just as she was about to close her eyes and surrender..

A storm of butterflies appeared and the bullet was sliced into shards, before the Wildfire girl appeared - Seele. 
"You dare attack someone on our turf!?", she chuckled and spun her weapon, before holding it firmly. "Well? How about a few rounds with me?"

"Argh, darn it! Quick, disperse!", the vagrant ran away.

"Spineless thugs!", Seele asserted.

"Miss Seele! Phew, it's a good thing you showed up when you did. My heartfelt thanks~. These vagrants have got some nerve looking for trouble in Wildfire terri—"

"Shut it Sampo, this has "you" written all over it. Wildfire has countless issues on its plate right now. We don't need a side order of Koski.", Seele rolled her eyes.

"..I thought she was with 'Seele' in the bubble universe..", Kevin said, his face contorting into an expression of confusion. 

"And what's with that confused face, white-haired man? You're that Silvermane princess's bodyguard?"

Kevin, quickly, think! Act dumb! "What's a Silvermane?" No, not that stupid!

"...Tsk, whatever. Heard a Silvermane Guard was paying the Underworld a visit. I'm assuming it's either one of you.", Seele tapped on the ground impatiently.

"I'm a wanted criminal.", Kevin sighed. "Betrayal or something. Ask her to explain."

"You kidnapped me and brought me to the underground. What is the meaning of this?", Bronya stepped forward, gaining confidence.

"Hmph, listen to her. 'What is the meaning of this?' ...She still thinks she's an Overworld princess.", Seele chuckled sarcastically. "Do you know what's become of us down here while you live the easy life? Did you even consider the fate of the Underworlders? Hmm?", Seele glared at Bronya.

"The Silvermane Guards aren't "living the easy life." We are constantly engaged with the enemy — defending Belobog from the scourge of attacking monsters... and protecting all those above and below the surface.", Bronya shook her head.

"Hah, do you even hear yourself? You? Protect the underground? Redeploying every Guard to the surface, sealing off the only passageway... Protecting the so-called Architects, more like it.". 

"..The Madam Guardian has her reasons.."

"Reasons? What reasons? Keeping the Underworld in poverty? Ruining the lives of half of Belobog's people?!", Seele shouted. "Hmph, enough talk, you're coming with me. Chief Oleg wants to see you, and he's got more than a few questions."

"Perfect, Miss Seele! We were just on our way to pay Chief Oleg a visit ourselves. Room for a few more?", Sampo chuckled nervously.

"Fully booked. Who are they?", Seele asked.

"I'm Stelle." 

"What good is your name by itself!?"

"Well it's like this: The chief's in the market for specific talent — an urgent request. So, I'm taking them to see him...", Sampo explained.

March 7th thought to herself; Hey, explain your motives, March! That would be a good way to start! "We're looking for a Stellaron — it's the source of all the disasters here. If we find it, we can—"

"Ahaha — ahem! I would recommend you not recite your story to everyone you meet. Miss Seele won't understand it anyway, so let's save it for the chief, huh?", Sampo intervened. 

"You're right, I don't understand it, and I don't plan on passing the message on either. Wildfire's encountered trouble at the Great Mine — the chief's busy. If you really want to find him, come look for me at the mine entrance."
"I'm leaving.", Seele walked away.


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