Svarog - Chapter X

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"Beep, beep, beep... As stated in the Terms of Service, my search result accuracy and reliability are not guaranteed. For more information, please call Interastral Peace Appliances.", Findie beeped.

"Shut up.", Kevin sighed.

How did they end up in this?

Well, remember Triangle Funny Robot, also known as Findie? They immediately activated when Seele complained about that broken mine cart and needing spare parts. It was still quite helpful.

"Beep, beep, beep... Based on your search history, I recommend the Humanoid Tactical Microwave. Press Skip to cancel personalized ads.", Findie continued to (very annoyingly) say.

"Beep, beep, beep... Findie will create a calendar reminder for when you want to visit an Interastral Peace Appliances store. Beep, beep, beep... Interastral Peace Appliances, your most trustworthy companion.".

"Shut up."

"Beep, beep, beep! Potential target object detected. The current search has concluded, entering sleep mode..."

"Let me see... Yeah, we can make do with this part. This little machine isn't half bad.", Seele chuckled. 

"Beep, beep, beep... What's that? Is that a hint of respect for Findie?"

"No. Stop beeping.", Kevin sighed. "I thought I would escape this in space, but there are still phone bots trying to reach out to me about my car's extended warranty..."

"Yeah, I understand.", Stelle chuckled.

"How convenient! So next time Dan Heng gets lost, we can just use Findie to find him, right?", March 7th chirped. 

"Beep, beep, beep... Biological life form search is currently not supported. If you have any questions, please call Interastral Peace Appliances."

"...Well, it was a good idea. Let's look for the next part.", Dan Heng sighed.

Kevin looked behind the pillar. "Found it."

"Beep, beep, beep! Potential target object detected. The current search has concluded, entering sleep mode..."

"That's everything! You were a big help, Findie!", March 7th smiled.

"Beep, beep, beep... It was nothing. Interastral Peace Appliances, your most trustworthy companion. Beep, beep, beep... Current search complete. *yawn* Entering sleep mode. Please recharge the Home-Use Object Finder."

After that, they walked back to the mining cart, where Seele was about to fix it.

"Are you gonna do it yourself?", March asked.

"Why wouldn't I? You've gotta be self-reliant down here. Watch, you might learn something."

Everyone, even including Kevin, managed to fix it, although Kevin did cause it to be a bit longer to fix due to body temperature, so mine cart nearly froze over and Seele had to break the ice.

"Alright, mission accomplished!", March 7th cheered.

"Hmph, quick work. Y'know, I didn't think you guys had worked a day in your lives, but you know how to get your hands dirty.", Seele said. "Although, I prefer that Kevin not help us again."

"Hey, at least I helped everyone break the ice.".

Dan Heng facepalmed. March 7th groaned, and Stelle looked like she was in serious pain. 

"This isn't the time for that.", Bronya spoke up.

"For once, I can agree with you, Silvermane princess.", Seele sighed.

𝕽𝖊𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓 - 𝕳𝖎3𝖗𝖉 𝖝 𝕳𝕾𝕽 [Inspired by @KeysOfVoid]Where stories live. Discover now