Amidst the Mara-Struck - Chapter XXVII

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"Hey! Ma'am, are you okay?", March asked patiently. 

"Of course. Thanks for saving beauty from the beast~", she smiles. 

"Pleasure! But are you thanking us or giving yourself a compliment?"

It's not too hard to see that the enemies are dead, basically. "Miss Tingyun, the mara-struck have been repelled, b—but there could be other dangers nearby. The situation is serious. Allow us to escort you back to the Sky-Faring Commission, immediately."

"Calm down.", she smiled mischievously. "I heard you. It'd be rude of me to depart without thanking our benefactors."


"My name is Tingyun. I'm the Amicassador for the Luofu Sky-Faring Commission merchant guild. May I venture to know the illustrious names of my heroes?"

"Illustrious names? ...Uhh, sure. I'm March 7th, this is Mr. Yang — oh — Mr. Welt Yang, and this is—"

Stelle proudly pulled out the Jade Abacus- wait too early, I mean, Stelle proudly shows off the badge she stole from a Silvermane Guard, before stating: "I am become Galactic Baseballer, destroyer of Stellarons and Silvermane Guards."

"You are a Stellaron!", March said. "Not only that.. but also, where did you get that from!?"

"Hmph, whatever. Best to use a fake name. Imagine ending up on a wanted list!", Stelle said.

"Remind me before I give up my name!!"

"I see, well, thank you for coming to our aid. Although, there is one thing I don't understand: Starskiff Haven is under lockdown. Since none of you are Xianzhou residents, may I ask how you came to be here? If you can't offer an explanation, I'm afraid these Cloud Knights will have to escort you out.", Tingyun says.

Well, now they learnt that a Stellaron Hunter had broken into the system and let them in. Very bad, Welt thought. Now this would mean that they would be in very clear suspicion by the Sky-Faring Commission. Even though this Amicassador (which he wasn't even sure was a real word) said that the Madam Yukong was kindhearted, from previous experience, diplomats like her were great sweet-talkers.


"You know, have you ever wondered if Kevin and Welt combined their old man energy, what would happen? Would there be an Aeon of Old People Energy?", Stelle whispered.

"Sometimes I wonder how you're as good in fighting as you are while being this.. imaginative.", March said, before spotting a mysterious figure with long gray hair in the corner of her eye- wait, was that just the Trailblazer? But she was on the opposite side. "Aaaaaahh!!! Did anyone see that!?"

"..what.", Kevin turned around. 

"March, did you see anything?", Welt looked around. "Strange. No one around- don't worry about anything."

"Huh~? Benefactors, anything off?", Tingyun too, turned around.

"No, don't worry.. I think I must've been a little bit tired from Belobog.", March held up an awkward thumbs up. 

Perhaps "empty" is not entirely accurate when describing this port. It was filled, just not with humans and mostly with boxes. I mean, it was a place for goods, no shit.


Adapting to having a body again definitely sucks, especially when you were starting to get used to playing shogi with a god after 10 years and started to enjoy it. Unfortunately, he's been blessed by 'Erudition' and was given his physical self back, with all the burns, unhealable wounds, and MANTIS powers.

He had just opened a path with a panel when he heard the sound of two people whispering, and they sound very near to him. Hopefully they haven't seen him.


"Hmm? This blockade seems to have been cleared.. Careful, everyone! There might be dangerous enemies ahead. I thought the soldiers set these up..".

"H-huh!? Miss Tingyun, look at the enem- I mean, mara-struck!?", March pointed.

"Who eliminated these? I thought there were no soldiers left..", the Cloud Knight looked down. 

They proceeded, although with a little bit more caution. Just to check, Tingyun and Stelle headed up to the tablet and barely any damage was done, other than the dust on its screen. This was a strange turn of events. A person must've been there and tampering with everything. The Stellaron Hunters? A rogue Cloud Knight? Some other faction? Perhaps the Enigmata, perhaps the Elation. Maybe a Masked Fool had come to visit and was laughing at them right now, so confused. Their expressions must be priceless

Perhaps it was an Arbitrator from the Equilibrium.

"Don't you notice something strange?", Welt asked.

"..Most of these are impossible to be coincidences. Unless the mara-struck managed to have the right amount of precision to cause so little damage, I.. think it was a human.", Kevin said. 

They continue to walk amongst the containers, running into a couple mara-struck on the way. Tingyun claimed that the starskiff was near, after all. The only reassurance they had was that it was impossible for the culprit to leave Cloudford.

Of course, there the culprit was. Clad in the same clothing he wore on his death, was Su- although other than Kevin, no one knows his name.


hi im back, and only because ao3's down when writing this so uhh yeah, sorry guys for abandoning

btw in this fic the unknown entity that wants to play shogi with su could b nous so we're rolling with that and that su got gazed upon by erudition, here's our second deviation from canon :]

everything here isn't beta read, also take a furina wip

everything here isn't beta read, also take a furina wip

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