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Marta Currenta (Victor of the 65th Hunger Games) was finishing putting her things in her new apartment at the Capitol when her boyfriend Robert Thorn (Victor of the 62nd Hunger Games) comes to her and taps her shoulder, she turns:

Marta: hi

Robert: we have to talk

Marta: I know

Robert: you aren't giving me what I want in this relationship

Marta starts to get angry: I know where you are going so continue

Robert: if you don't give it to me this is over

Marta: then it's over I'm not going to be pressured to do something I'm not ready to do so go fuck yourself

Robert yells: fine

Marta yells: fine

He leaves and Marta goes to talk to her best friend Joanna (victor of the 66th Hunger Games), who lives next door

Marta: hey Jo

Joanna: Hey, how are you?

Marta: Robert and I broke up today

Joanna hugs her: I'm sorry bestie

Marta: it's fine he was giving me an ultimatum so I told him to go and fuck himself

Joanna smiles proudly: I'm proud you shouldn't be pressured to do something you don't want to do

Marta smiles and links arms with Joanna: yeah let's go see Haymitch and the others and see if he can switch me from district 8 to another district

On the way there:

Joanna: I can throw my ax at Robert if you want?

Marta laughs: If I would want him dead I would do it myself I would throw him my machete or my trident maybe my knives

Joanna laughs: true my friend

At the most mentors reunion:

Marta explained everything to Effie (victor of the 52nd Hunger Games) and Wiress (victor of the 61st Hunger Games)

Effie and Wiress: he's such a jerk

Marta: yeah I know but I'm fine I saw it coming

Wiress: why didn't you break up with him earlier then?

Marta shrugs: I don't know I was fine with the way it was but I knew it wouldn't last

Wiress nods: I get it

Effie: we can find you someone way better than him

Marta: I'll do it myself girls

Effie: but we can give you a list

Marta: show me I knew you would do it anyway

They laugh

Effie takes it out of her pocket: here

Marta takes it: you had it all thought a while ago right?

Wiress: we wanted to be prepared just in case

Marta: how long?

Effie, Wiress and Joanna: since the first day, something was off with him

Marta laughs and reads the list: not Gloss he's an idiot same goes with Brutus, Shawn hell no, Chaff no he's too old and a drunk, Anthony no, Gold not in a million years he's a drug addict, Robert no, Shayne no, Ian never. They don't work for me.

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