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Plutarch came inside Finnick and Marta's flat: I am sorry to come unannounced but I do not have much time.

Finnick nods: Talk.

Plutarch: We are planning another revolution. I need your help.

Marta: What do you need from us?

Plutarch: I need you to keep Katniss and Peeta alive in the arena.

Finnick: What is in it for us?

Plutarch: I will do my best to get you out of the arena alive.

Marta looks at Finnick: It's the best for our future.

Finnick nods at her: It's the only way we might be together in public.

Marta looks at Plutarch: We are in, do your end of the deal.

Plutarch nods: I will do my best. I better go, the camera manipulation will end in fifteen minutes.

Finnick: Who else is on the plan?

Plutarch: I think you know who they are.

Finnick nods: I can get the idea.

Plutarch: I wish you good luck.

Marta: Thank you.


Peeta and Katniss walk inside the training center: Katniss, you focus on Marta and district 3. I'll focus on Finnick and Johanna.

Katniss nods: Okay, I will try to tolerate Marta.

Peeta: She doesn't seem that bad.

Marta was at the survival station updating her skills.

Katniss joins her: Morning.

Marta nods: Morning.

Katniss: You are very good at it.

Marta: It comes with being a victor and mentor. You have to be up to date with skills.

Katniss: I watched your games.

Marta: I watched yours too.

Katniss: I am sorry for your loss. I know Jonathan meant a lot to you.

Marta swallows and nods as she continues her task: He did, he was and is my best friend. I have to admit, it was brave of you to volunteer for Prim.

Katniss: She is my sister, I could not let her die.

Marta: I understand that.

Katniss: I want to let you know that Cassie and Chance said that Finnick and you were the best and that they love you. Cassie whispered that to me.

Marta closes her eyes: Thank you, we deeply cared for them.

Katniss: Do you want to do a simulation with me?

Marta nods: Sure.

They enter the simulation. Marta grabs a set of throwing knives and a trident. They shoot the targets together. Marta hit most of the targets.

Katniss nods impressed: You are really good.

Marta: You are not that bad. I'll see you out there.

Marta gets off the simulator and Finnick high fives her: Good job M.

Marta smiles: Someone needed to do it. I'll see you later Finn.

She walks over to Johanna and they train together for a while. Katniss joins district 3 in the fire making station.

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