CHAPTER 8: 2n part of the Quarter Quell

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Marta and Finnick laid in bed together when they were separated by their prep team. Finnick handed her a blue ring that matched his to wear in the arena the previous night.

Finnick stops her from leaving: I will find you, we are in this together.

Marta nods: Together.

Mags goes with Marta until she was done getting ready, then she would go with Finnick.

Marta looks at Mags: Promise me that you will do your best to keep Finnick alive.

Mags nods: What about you?

Marta smiles softly: I will be fine but if it comes down to saving one of us, always him.

Mags nods: Okay, but take care in there.

Marta smiles softly and hugs her: I love you.

Mags: I love you too.

Marta's stylist handed Marta the Game's uniform, it was light so it must be a hot climate.

Hair Stylist: What should I do with your hair?

Marta: Like my first games, in two side pigtails. I want it out of my face.

Hair stylist nods: As you wish.

The hair stylist does her hair and then Marta walks to the airship.

At the ship, she nods her head at Peeta and Johanna that sat opposite of her. In that spaceship were 9 other tributes. The remaining tributes traveled in another. At the arena, the tributes were sent to their loading platforms underneath the arena. Marta got in and waited for it to lift up.


The grand arena stood as a testament to the Capitol's opulence and cruelty, a sprawling expanse designed to host the 76th Hunger Games—the Third Quarter Quell. The tributes, each clad in their distinct district uniforms, were perched on pedestals arranged in a circular formation. The tension in the air was palpable, as the realization of the imminent danger weighed heavily on the tributes and mentors alike.

As the countdown on the enormous clock at the center of the arena began, the tributes focused on the daunting Cornucopia, a gleaming golden structure stocked with an array of weapons. Surrounding the Cornucopia, the arena stretched out in all directions—a varied landscape of rainforests and perilous terrains, all meticulously crafted to challenge the tributes' survival instincts.

The tribute plates rose slowly, elevating the participants to eye level with the Cornucopia. The faces of the tributes displayed a mix of fear, determination, and resignation. The enormity of the 76th Hunger Games, with its unique and unpredictable twists, hung heavily over the arena.

The Capitol audience, comfortably seated in their homes, watched with morbid fascination as the tributes braced themselves for the bloodbath about to unfold. The mentor's gallery, a collection of familiar faces, betrayed a mixture of concern and helplessness, their hopes pinned on the survival instincts of the tributes they had mentored.

As the final seconds of the countdown dwindled, the arena fell into an eerie silence. The tributes locked eyes with their fellow competitors, assessing the potential threats and alliances. The distant hum of the force field that enclosed the arena added an undercurrent of tension, a constant reminder of the Capitol's control. Marta could see Johanna a few platforms away. She could see Peeta on the other side of her, three platforms away. However, she couldn't see Finnick or Katniss, they must be behind the cornucopia.

With the sound of the gong, the Hunger Games erupted into chaotic motion. The tributes dove into the water towards the Cornucopia, driven by the primal instinct to secure weapons and supplies. Marta, Katniss and Finnick were the firsts to arrive. Marta grabbed a set of throwing knives, a machete and a trident. Finnick grabbed a machete and a trident. Katniss grabbed a bow and arrow set.

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